Chapter 33

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Taehyung's p.o.v

"Let's go home baby" Kookie said to me while looking at me with his doe eyes.

"Why not play with him? After all my hubby deserves some time to be alone" I thought and smiled.

"Mmmm, not yet, as I told you, I am gonna live here for the whole week."

"WHAT?" He asked surprised.

"Yeah, Jungie and I will live here with Momma for some days"

"Yee, yes omma, I want live with you" Jungie exclaimed cutely and clapped his hands.

"Okay then, Mr. Jeon, we both will live together here"

"No~~~~" Kookie whined but I didn't hear anything. He needed to realise my importance. Let him live alone for some days.

"Okay Jungie, say bye to appa"

"Bye appa"

"Ani~~" Jungkook whined.

Third Person's p.o.v

"I am your husband" Jungkook said and Taehyung raised his eyebrows.

"Oh, and before being my husband, my omma is my mother, so let us spend time with her" Taehyung said and Jungkook knew that his wifey won't forgive him that easy.

"Yes Jungkook, let them be here for a while" Taehyung's mother requested and Jungkook couldn't deny and he had to leave the like that.

In the night....

Jungkook reached home after office and entered his empty room. He pulled out his phone and dialed Taehyung's number.

"Hello? Kookie?" Taehyung asked from the other side.

"Baby, I miss you and Jungie so much" Jungkook said.

"Hmm, why all of a sudden? When I was with you you didn't even give me a look" Taehyung whispered sadly and a little pissed too.

"I am sorry honey, I can't help it when I am angry"

"Neglecting me was a good option? You know how much I hate it." Taehyung was on the edge of crying.

"I know dear, I am so sorry. I can't think of anything else when it comes to my family"

"Why? I wasn't your family?" Taehyung's question really hurt Jungkook and he remained silent for a while because he was wordless. Later he heard Taehyung's sniffles from the other side and he felt even worse.

"Babe, I shouldn't have done that. I can't spare a second without you. I am coming in the morning to get you. I don't know anything. You two will come back home with me" Jungkook said.

"What if I don't?"

"I will kidnap you two" Jungkook's dialogue made Taehyung chuckle.

"Pabo, I swear if you'll do anything like that again, I will come to my mom and will live with her forever." Taehyung stated and this time Jungkook chuckled.

"I won't let it happen" Jungkook said and both giggled.

"I love you Kookie"

"I love you too my love"


With that Jungkook drove to his mother's house in the morning.

"Appa~~~" Taejung exclaimed as he saw his father coming to the house.

"Hey sunshine, appa missed you" Jungkook said and carried the little boy in his arms.

"Poppo" Jungkook pointed to his cheeks and his son smooched them.

"Welcome home son" Taehyung's mother greeted and hugged Jungkook who hugged her back.

"Um, where is your omma?" Jungkook asked the little boy who pointed his finger at the door of Taehyung's older room.

Jungkook put his son on the ground and went to the room where Taehyung was putting clothes in his bags.

Jungkook slowly walked to him and hugged him from behind and rested his chin on top of Taehyung's shoulder.

"Ah, Kookie you startled me" Taehyung jumped surprised.

"Hey honey" Jungkook exclaimed and Taehyung turned himself to Jungkook.

Jungkook pulled Taehyung into a tight hug and he hugged him back. Jungkook tighten his grip and held Taehyung near to his chest.

"Ahhh, Kookie I can't breath" Taehyung whined and Jungkook left him.

"Oh sorry dear, I actually missed you so much" Jungkook said and held Taehyung's waist.

"Liar" Taehyung whispered with a pout on his lips.

"Babe... C'mon, please stop it now. I am sorry for the hundred times. Okay?" Jungkook asked and Taehyung looked at his husband with his doe eyes.

"I missed this Kookie too" Taehyung whispered and stood on his toes to capture his husband's lips. The couple kissed each other lovingly.

"OMMA~~~, APPA~~~" Taejung ran into the room and the couple quickly pulled away.

"I want ice cream" Taejung whined and Jungkook nodded.

"Let's get you ice cream then" Jungkook carried his son and held his wifey's hand whose another hand was holding bags they left after hugging Taehyung's mother.


In the night,

Taejung fell asleep while playing with his grandparents and the young couple found sometime for each other.

"Kookie, I feel something strange" Taehyung spoke up and sat near his husband.

"Huh? You're pregnant?" Jungkook asked surprised.

"Ah, you pabo. Why you ask this question again and again? I am not"


"I feel a little naughty" Taehyung whispered seductively into Jungkook's ear who later pinned him down on the bed.

"Okay then, what you're waiting for? Let's just do it already" Jungkook said with a smirk which made Taehyung to giggle.

Without wasting any time, they were making love with each other.

Jungkook insisted to have three rounds and Taehyung knew he won't be able to walk for some days.


Don't get your hopes high!
Hehe, Minho is back, u know.

Hope you like it.

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