Chapter 37

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Third Person's p.o.v

Taehyung was peacefully working on the laptop in his free time. He was writing something because Jungkook and Taejung weren't home.

He then heard the bell on the door and he got up to open up the door.

"Oh, hi cupcake?"

"Gyeomie!" Taehyung exclaimed and hugged him tightly.

"How are you?" He asked and Yugyeom replied as "I am good cupcake, you say"

"I am good too, what a pleasant surprise?" Taehyung asked with a smile.

"Oh yeah, just wanted to talk with you."

"Talk? What happened?" Taehyung asked.

"Come sit, coffee? Tea? Water?" Taehyung asked but Yugyeom shook head as a no.

"No please, thanks for asking. Just wanted to talk to you" he said and looked down.

"What happened Gyeomie?"

"Oh well, cupcake, it's my birthday next week and I am organising a small party. I want you, Jungkook and chocochip to be there."

"Aw Gyeomie, we definitely will be there."

"I hope you all will be there. I just wanted to ask Jungkook first but I just didn't know how to ask him. Cupcake, I know you both had a painful past and I am sorry if my decision of being with Yeri hurt you in anyway. I just can't help it. I love her so much" Yugyeom said nervously as he looked down at the ground.

"You don't have to be sorry, Gyeomie, it's okay if you two are dating. I know she has changed and is not what she used to be. Somewhere in the past, it was my fault too" Taehyung said.

"Hey no, not at all, it wasn't your fault dear. She was wrong and I admit it. But I know she is really very apologetic for that and she is changed too." Yugyeom said in a soft tone.

"Change of behaviour is the best apology Gyeomie, that's why I am willing to support her even after all of that. I could've already changed Jungie's school if I would feel any danger from her but she isn't like before, she is humble and gentle now. I saw that"

"Yes Cupcake, I just don't know how to explain all of this to Kook. I know he would hate me after that but I can't lose her neither my best friend with whom I have spent these wonderful years" Yugyeom said in a sad tone.

"I can surely understand you Gyeomie, I know how does it feel. I love my husband more than anything in the world and yet I respect my teacher Mr.Choi sir a lot who had guided me throughout my college. And Kookie doesn't like it at all because he gets insecurities. I know how you are feeling, you don't want to leave anyone of them." Taehyung slightly patted his shoulder.

"Well, I still want you to suggest that you should talk to him about it. If he says no, I am here" Taehyung said with a smile and Yugyeom nodded.

"Thank you so much Cupcake, I feel so better" Yugyeom stood up and they hugged each other before leaving.


Jungkook was peacefully working in his cabin until his friend came in and sat in front of him.

"Hey man" Yugyeom asked and sat.

Jungkook remained silent because he was not sure what to say.

"Seems pissed? Maybe because of me. Well I am so sorry" said Yugyeom.

"Gyeom, I am really not pissed at you. And I am really not in the mood of talking about the same thing" Jungkook said as he pressed fingertip on his head because he was having a headache.

"Okay Kook, well I wasn't here to talk about it. I just wanted to say that it's my birthday next week and I am organising a little party. I will be blessed to have you, cupcake and chocochip to be there with me." Yugyeom completed his sentence and left the room.

Jungkook was just sitting there silently, thinking about it. He could never leave his friend's party and he really wanted to be with his friend like they always did and he knew he should support his friend. And he decided to give her a chance to prove her innocence. He decided to apologise.

He decided to leave early to the house from his office.

As he reached there he found Taehyung sitting on the couch, clicking fastly on the keyboard and one hand was holding his phone.

He was talking with someone on the call and he seemed happy.

"Oh, okay sir, Kookie's home. Talk to you later" Taehyung hung up the call as he saw his husband coming. He put the laptop aside and ran to hug him.

Jungkook was just wondering that with whom he was talking and as he heard him calling 'sir', he knew who was on the other side.

Jungkook decided not to ask or say anything for the sake of their relationship because many of the times they had issues over him and that time Jungkook already had an issue to solve.

"Kookie, how was the day?" Taehyung asked after smooching his cheeks.

"Just fine" Jungkook said and sat on the couch after pulling his coat out.

Taehyung stood behind the couch where Jungkook was sitting. He slowly roamed his hands on his shoulder, slightly pressing them. He then roamed his hands on his forehead, slightly pressing and stroking it. Jungkook just closed his eyes.

"Honey, seems like you're stressed out. Wait, let me get you something refreshing." Taehyung whispered into his ear and then went to the kitchen and came up with a glass of juice.

"Here, have it" he made Jungkook drink it from his own hands and Jungkook was feeling relaxed.

Jungkook slowly laid down on the couch, placing his head on Taehyung's lap and Taehyung slightly brushed his fingers through his hair. He leaned and peppered his hubby's face with kisses.

"Seems like my hubby is very tired, huh?"

"Yes angel"

Taehyung smiled and pressed his head little.

"Kookie? It's Gyeomie's birthday next week, he wants us to be there with him."

"I know dear, we will definitely be"

"Kookie? Can you do me a favour? Please" Taehyung asked.

"Yes dear"

"Please forgive Yeri, for me" Taehyung requested and Jungkook sat up straight.

"How can I Taehyung? How can you even think about it? I mean you might have forgot it but I can never do. Do you even have any idea that how did I feel when I saw you lying on the ground in the pool of your blood. Do you even have any idea about it Tae, when I was so helpless there, crying crazily because I could've lost you. Tae, please don't you even mention it again" Taehyung was shook after Jungkook's sudden outburst. Jungkook slammed the door and laid inside and Taehyung just stood there, crying over his painful past.

"I, I am so s-sorry, Kookie" Taehyung whispered to himself as he cried silently.


Sorry for disappearing.
I was blacked out, then was resting and then some family get together, so couldn't be able to write.

Hope you like it.

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