Chapter One.

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[12th June, 2018]
The light that came right through the window, and hit my face up. A little bit hard it was to open eyes, but more hard was to keep them shut. Slowly, I opened them. Struggled to get up. And once got up, stretched my arms out. It was one of the beautiful mornings, I witnessed.

I fished my phone and unlocked the screen. Notifications blocked my wallpaper. One of the Notifications were from my best friend, Disha. "The rituals starts from tomorrow. Looking forward to see you! :)", Her message read. Disha was getting married in a week, with her longtime boyfriend, Aarav. Which her family supports, unlike mine. Anyways, not spoiling my mood by comparing other's patents with my.

I hopped out of my bed and realized it was, around 9: 36 of a Sunday. I brushed my teeth, washed my face and untied my hair out of my ponytail. Setting them free, I ran my fingers through the strands of my hair. I then twisted my door's knob and the door clung open. I searched for Maa but she was found nowhere. Then I saw my brother, Anant Bhaiya, talking to someone in phone. He was dressed in his OfficeSuite. I went to the kitchen and heard Bhaiya yelling,

"Bhakti, We are getting late. We'll have reach there soon. Anahita has to practice as well, hurry up!". Bhakti was my sister-in-law and Anahita was her almost eight year old daughter. Honestly speaking, I hated Bhakti Bhabhi for being the bitch, she is! No wonder why on Earth she has problems with me, only! She doesn't even let my own niece stay with me.

"Going somewhere, Bhai?" - Out of the blues, I asked. "Uh, yeah. It's Anahita's sports day today, we need to go.", Bhaiya replied. I did nothing but shook my head. "Did you see Maa? I can't find her.", I asked. Bhaiya tried to say something but the doorbell rang. "Must be Maa.", Bhaiya forced a smile. He opened the door and it was Maa.

Soon Bhabhi came without bothering to say a thing to me or Maa, she left with Anahita. Where, Bhai stood still and explained where they're going.

Maa bid them bye and came to the kitchen counter, where I was. "Hi, woman! What's up?", I asked. And received a glare, as an answer. "What are your plans for today?", Maa curiously asked. "The same. I'll leave for duty at about 11. And will come back home at 5: 30 to 6.", I said. "And you're not going to Disha's Haldi?", Maa questioned. "That's tomorrow, Maa!", I said. "Oh, sorry!", she apologized and I nodded. "Coffee?", Maa offered. "Are you okay?", I asked taking the coffee mug from her hand.Just as she slipped her hand from the mug's handle, it found it's way up to my head to slightly slap it. "Maa!", I faked a cry. "We'll go for shopping today.", Maa ordered. "Are you going to pay for every useless thing I buy? Only then, I'm in!", I declared. "I might. Ab jaa, get ready.", Maa said.

"Maa, I really love you!", I said. And bumped into Papa. Shit! I cursed myself, in my mind. "Sorry, Papa.", I hung my head low, out of fear. My father was one of the best lawyers in town. I was definitely proud of it. But winning an argument with Him was next to licking my elbow or at least the tip of my nose, which I would never!

"Why don't you stop daydreaming? And moving your body parts here and there?", He stated. Ouch. That hurts.

"That's what helped me in being a Doctor, you know.", I at least learnt how to fight. Papa was about to say something but fortunately Maa interrupted. "She's getting late. Leave her!", Maa scolded. Papa turned and I blew a flying kiss to her. My saviour! Actually, life saviour!

•Next Will Be Up Tomorrow. Do Drop Your Views Down, Lovelies! 💙

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