Chapter Fourty-Eight.

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I told him! He knows it! I was just too excited. I will be giving birth to another child. There will be someone else, apart from Darshi. Who would call me, Mum and Darshan, Dadda. I placed a hand on my tummy. The baby-bump was yet to be flaunted.

The day went on, swiftly. Bhakti and Disha came. And left, real soon. For that, my little princess, began weeping. The doorbell rang and I opened the door. Darshan came along with Darshi. She was wrapped in his arms. My lives, are just getting more closer. Cute, isn't it?

"Stop crying, Darshi.", Darshan said, patting on her back. Honest confession: Darshan was the best probable father, I had ever seen, in my life. Like, He nailed his duties. Of course, he nails everything that he does; but a job of a father, is definitely more hard than any other.

"Shh, Darshi.", He said. Someone stop my heart from fluttering! "You are not supposed to stand back and stay still. C'mere now!", He ordered. I did, as instructed. "Go, make us French Fries.", Darshi demanded. My eyes widened, seeing my daughter's tone while talking. "Excuse me? Say this properly otherwise I'm making nothing!", I warned.

Darshan whispered something in her ear, and she got off his arms, giggling. Darshan darted towards me and picked me up. "LEAVE ME!", I yelled, punching his back. "I swear, I'll never, if you keep doing that!", He yelled back. "Ow!", He winced in pain.

Darshi couldn't stop laughing. Seeing her, even we ended up laughing. Darshan then put me down and busied Himself in his phone. While, Darshi started colouring her drawing notebook. I served them the French Fries and they dipped the entire piece into the sauce. "Stop it, both of you! Have it in a proper manner!", I said.

Darsh and Darshi looked at each other and sent diggers at me. As if  was to, kill them. "What?", I asked. "You're bad.", Darshi said. "You too.", I smirked. "Ann!", Darshan scolded. Darshi faked a cry. I pressed both my lips together, trying my best not to laugh. "Stop taking her side!", I said.

About eight months later, I fell on the ground. As, the ground was too slippery because water was somehow spilled onto the ground. For the next two days, I didn't feel the baby kicking. I told it to Darshan and he became worried. He took me to my gynecologist and she told me everything was fine.

After few days, I was in extreme pain. I couldn't hold back the pain, and thus Darshan admitted me to the hospital. The same day, I gave birth to a pre-mature boy. But I didn't get to see him, for the five days since his birth. Whenever Darshan get time, they allowed him to see our son, from the glass. I saw him cry; because the nurses told us, our son's condition isn't too good. The chances of him dying, was a lot.

Meanwhile, Darshi came to see me, everyday. With me, mostly Bhabhi, Annie and barely Disha were there.

On the sixth day of our son's birth, He was given to me. He was healthy, now. Just as he was given to me, everyone started crying. After all, we had to yearn a lot for him. If you are wondering what is his name; Aadarsh Darshan Raval, is our son's name.

On the seventh day, I was discharged from the hospital. And we all went home. Darsh, Darshi, Anahita planned a 'welcome back' party for me and Baby.


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