Chapter Nine.

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Later, I dropped her off to City Hospital. And picked her up from there. She would wake up at the middle of night, and hug me tight to sleep. I ended up hugging her back, feeling her warmness. Her warm body was pressed against mine, her hot breaths touched my face. Her hairs at times fell on her face and I would just stuck them behind her ear.

Day by day, we were getting closer. We discussed about life, politics and lot more things. On her ninth day in my apartment, with me, She said she wanted to go back to her home. I too agreed with her, knowing she's completely fine now. I dropped her home and came back at mine. My place remained almost incomplete without her. No matter whatever I did, her image would flash in front of my eyes, making me smile.

I would randomly call her and we just talked. We at times cracked lame jokes and laughed. Or we would just stay silent, not even saying a word.

By then, September had kicked in. It was 8th of September, that day. That day wasn't something new. The same life, of both of us. But suddenly I hit upon a plan. It was some 15: 46 and Anayaa's duty ended sharp at 16: 15. I drove off to City Hospital and found her searching for a cab. She pushed a strand of her hair, behind her ear when I pressed the horn. She came near and knocked on the glass. I opened the door for her, she stepped in.

"Aur, how come you here?", She asked. "Do I need a reason to meet you?", I said. "Ew, Darsh! I hate cheese.", She said. We remained silent for a while. And somehow, I managed to gather guts to ask her. "Are you free tonight?". I didn't even looked at her, I just looked straight at the road. And then, with my eye's corner, I realized she was smirking. Which forced me to smile.

"Are you asking me out?", She asked. I nodded in a 'Yes'. "Be nice while asking, Raval!", She smirked. I sighed and struggled to fetch a bunch of roses from the passenger's seat. "Anayaa Dixit, will you please do the honour to give me company tonight at some fine hotel or restaurant in Mumbai?", I asked, finally.

"I'll have to think about that, I guess.", She said. And that was enough to make me eager to hear her answer. "What if I say No?", She asked. "I'll drop you home and drive off to mine. And take out my phone, click a picture of these roses and put it on my Instagram story, with a caption of, 'Gift from a fan. Lots of love to you all!.' And will throw them in a vase.", I said. "Fuck off!", She said. "Yes or No, Anayaa?!", I asked. "Desperate, Huh?", She asked and I rolled my eyes.

"Yes.", She softly chipped. Even though, I heard what she said but what's wrong in troubling her? "Sorry, what?", I deliberately asked her. "Yes, baba!", She rolled her eyes on me as I pressed the horn. "Say it again, Dixit.", This time I smirked. She leaned in and I looked at her. "Yes, I will go with you!", She whisper-shouted in my ear, causing me to smile widely. I pulled the brakes as we reached her home and she fell on me.

Her hands held the back of my neck. Her face was inches away from mine. Our breaths touched our faces. My hand moved to her ear to stick a strand of her hair behind it. "We're here.", I said. "Huh?", She asked, sitting on the passenger's seat. "We're at your place, Anayaa.", I said. "Oh!", She said. "Bye, then?", She asked. "I'll meet you here, at 22: 30. Okay?", I asked. "That's too late, Darsh!", She, being her, nagged like always. "Not a word more about this.", I ordered. "Fine, BYE!", She yelled closing the window behind her.

I didn't start driving. Because somewhere, I knew she would turn, which she did. I waved at her and she stuck her tongue out. I broke into a huge smile. And  she headed in. I drove off to my place. And searched for a good restaurant or a hotel. I didn't found any good hotel or restaurant.

And at last, I thought of decorating my home, only. I called in a flower delivery shop. And ordered flowers.

I decorated my living room with flower petals and golden LED lights. Flowers were almost everywhere. I ordered food and that was here in some 45 minutes. I checked the time and it was about 21: 12. I decided to get ready.

I wore a blue tuxedo with a white shirt and pants. I did my hair. And clicked a picture of own. It was just 17 minutes left for 22: 30 to struck. I quickly drove off to her place and saw there still was a minute left to struck ten-thirty. Within a moment Anayaa came down and walked towards my car. I opened the door for her and she sat in.

She wore a purple Kurti with a golden colour Dupatta. She looked pretty with a light make-up over. We passed each other a smile and I started driving. "You look good, though.", I said.

"Yeah, I know right. You also don't look that bad, you know.", She said. "I'll take that as a compliment.", I said. "That's a compliment, only.", She said. I nodded and drove off. She kept clicking her pictures. She even clicked mine, while driving.

"You look real good.", She said. While staring at me then at her phone, probably at my picture. "Now that's what I call 'Compliment'.", I said. "Yeah, right. Now drive!", She ordered. I speed up and we ended up reaching at my place even faster.

"That's your house, Darshan.", She said. "Really? I never knew. Thanks for letting me know.", I joked. "But you said that, we'll go to some hotel or restaurant.", She said. "It is more peaceful to do something for your loved ones by your own, you know.", I said, winking at her. She blushed and tucked her hair behind her ear. That sight, Damn!

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