Chapter Eighteen - Surprise!

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I felt blessed, when I woke up. Though, I had a little bit of headache. But, I woke up to his embrace! His hands wrapped around me, my face buried on his chest. The sunlight fell on his face. As I struggled to get up from his grip, sunlight fell on my face, as well. And it was hard to look up, as the sun was very bright.

"Darshan!", I whispered. "Darshan, wake up!", I said. "Just sleep, Anayaa.", He murmured. "Wake up, and see how beautiful the sun is!", I exclaimed. "I won't.", He pulled me back and tightening his grip. I did know how to make him get up. I freed my hands and my fingers roamed around his back, I tickled him and he moved to sides.

"Stop!", He laughed. "Get up, get up.", I said. "You get up and go!", He said. "I'll leave, then!", I said trying to get up and suddenly Darshan sat on the bed and took my hand in his. "You won't leave me, get that?", He said. Suddenly, a message pop up on my phone and I crawled over Darshan to take it. He got off the bed and I unlocked my phone.

Just as I entered my password, a note arrived. "Darshan confessed his feelings for me. He loves me.", the note read. It was more than enough to send chills down my spine. I tried to recall, what actually might had happen the other night, but failed. I then attempted to remember that moment when he confessed his feelings for me. But my vision was a bit blur.

I recalled every that moment we spent together. Each was a beautiful memory. A memory that would stay alive in our hearts; a memory that shows how much he cared for me. I thought about everything from the very beginning. To our first conversation to yesterday night. There were so many times, He could say it. But he didn't. One thing was definitely sure, that He does love me. But, Do I?

Two days passed roughly and things were normal, just like it was, before I got to know about his feelings. It was the Seventeenth of October. Just a few hours more to Darshan's birthday, and I have about planned nothing, like not even a shit thing.

While entering the hotel, I remember I saw a bakery. And I  taken Anahita there and bought her some chocolates. Darshan was all smiling that day, because he had a little bit of idea that I would be doing something. And I am already upto something. But exactly what is it?

Hours flew by, and time strucked to 20: 16. Four more hours, to his birthday and by then everything was planned. I will somehow force him to sleep and then... do the rest of my work.

Did I mentioned, I already bought a cake for Him, earlier this noon? Sorry, If I didn't.  At 23: 09, I and Darshan came to 'Our Room'. As the function ended. Oh, it was kind of a 'Bachelors' and 'Chicks' Party altogether.

Darshan and I changed into normal clothes and Darshan said he was very tired. So he turned to his left and tried to sleep. It was almost five more minutes left for the clock to struck to eighteen. I got up from the bed and took the cake out of the fridge. I placed it on the nearest table. And went to Darshan.

"Darshan.", I softly said. He didn't responded. I shook his arm and he finally looked up at me. He raised a brow and I said, "Get up.", He did got up but said, "Why?". "I need to talk to you.", I said, looking down. He pulled my chin up and said, "What's wrong?". I inhaled. "Ever since, you have entered in my life, it has completed. Though, I lost Maa, but I found a companion; a partner. I found every that thing in you, that I wanted my husband would know or do. Darshan, I can't thank you enough for saving my life from being a mess. I will always be thankful to you, for being my pillar of support, in my hardest time.", I took a pause. He looked straight into my eyes.

"Darshan, that day, when we were drunk, you said something to me.", I said. "Which was?", He asked. "Y-you, You Love Me.", I said and his eyes almost pop out of the socket. "I'm sorry, I just...", I cut him off, saying, "I love you!". "Huh?", He said, in disbelief. "What did you say?", He smiled, a little. I looked at Darshan's phone which showed a message, bit he didn't care to read it. "What did you just say, Woman?", Darshan’s smile grew even wider. "Happy Birthday, just wanted to be the first one to wish you!", I said. "No, no, no!", He smirked. "Say it.", He demanded. "No.", I said. "Baby, just say it.", I almost melted when he said 'Baby'.

"Only if you cut the cake. Else, I don't repeat, you know that.", I insisted. "Okay, fine. But promise me you'll say it.", He said and I shook my head. I put the cake in front of him. When he tried to open the box, I yelled, "No! We'll open it, together.". He threw his hands back. And I sat with him. I made him hold a knife and lit a candle and told him to not to open his eyes, till I say to. He, being the obedient guy, He is, didn't opened his eyes. I opened the box and slowly placed the candle on it. I held his hand and told him to open his eyes.

He opened his eyes. Glared the icing, as there it was written, "Happy Birthday & I ♡ U". He looked at me and I whispered in his ear, "Tell Darshan, that wished him a very happy birthday. And don't forget to tell him that, His Annie loves him.". Darshan immediately smiled at that and leaned in. I kept my palm on his mouth and pushed him backwards. "Cut the cake first, silly.", I said. And he kissed my palm. We cut the cake together and I fed the first piece of cake to him and same did he. While Darshan licked his fingers clear, I took a lot of cake and applied it all over his face. "WHAT THE FUCK, ANAYAA?!", He yelled.

"Happy Birthday.", I said. "You'll regret doing this.", He said and I ran towards the washroom. But, He was smart enough to catch me. He ran on the bed and jumped when I came near. He came closer and I took steps back. "Darshan, no! You can't do this. I love you, please!", I said. He smirked and my back banged to the wall. "Please, please, please!", I begged and shut my eyes tightly. He for a moment stopped and I opened my eyes, slowly. I saw his hand on waist. And his left cheek brushed my left cheek. And same did the right one.

"No!", I cried and He evilly laughed. He leaned even closer and made His parrot-like-nose touch mine. And rubbed it against mine. By now, my face was equally ruined with cake as Darshan’s. He stood still, in the position. All of a sudden, we heard a knock and Darshan frowned. I laughed at him and he opened the door.

"Happy Birthday!!!", shouted Anahita. "Thank you, babydoll!", Darshan knelt down and spread his arms. And Anahita hugged him. Awe! "Babydoll, like seriously? That's so cheesy!", I said. "I need to have the cake.", Anahita said pointing at Darshan's cheek. Darshan and She cut out a piece which they ate and applied on each other's face and didn't even offered me. Rude.

Later Anahita left and we cleaned the mess, we created. Darshan pulled me in his arms and said, "Thank you for gifting me the best gift, which is YOU!". "I love you.", He added. "I love you more and thank you!", I said. "Uh-Huh, Thank you, to-be-wife. Or, should I say babydoll?", He said. I hit his upper-arm.

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