Chapter Twenty-Eight - The Proposal.

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24th of December, 2018.


Darshan had finally came back to India. I did went to meet him. But due to my final exam, I couldn't actually spend the proper amount of time, with Him. Tomorrow, is the last day of my internship. And then, from the 3rd of January, I'll be Doct. Anayaa Dixit, finally. Darshan's was just a little too busy with recording of another new song. Which he said, meant a lot to him.

Two days later...

It was Christmas, today. And since my exams had finished, Darshan called me to His place. I rang the doorbell and the door cracked open. There He stood, with his signature smile on his face. He stepped aside, to let me enter the apartment. Just as I stepped in, my jaw fell on the ground.

There was a beautiful plastic Christmas Tree, decorated with a hell of lights and balls and rings. "It's just so beautiful!", I mouthed to Darshan. He smiled. "Did you decorated this?", I asked. He nodded. "Why don't you do a part-time job as a Decorater? I mean hell, you'll earn too good!", I said and he chuckled. Mouthing a 'Thank You' to me.

I stood under the Mistletoe. And He stood next to me. "How was last day at Uni?", He asked. "Good, actually. Everyone right now, are saying they will miss these four years. They will be missing each students and all that shit. But the truth to be told, they are going to be in almost every corner of the world, but with you.", I said.

"Calm your tits down, girl! It's Chirstmas, why the hell have you been lashing out?", He said. I shook my head to sides. "Never mind.", He said changing the topic. "Are you okay?", He asked. For a moment, I froze right there. There is this line from Arjun Kanungo's song 'Fursat',
"Hey are, Hey are you feeling okay?", that I had always wanted someone to ask. And he did. "No.", I blurted out. His eyes widened. "Uhm fine.", I said. "Sure.", He said, as if he wanted to say something further, but didn't say it. I wonder what.

The weather outside, was cold. But his place wasn't. It was warm, just like him; his hugs. Darshan and I lie on the couch, watching Netflix and having a bowl full of chips. Because, He was getting bored, he decided to change the channel. He changed the channel. And on HBO, it was showing, 'Harry Potter and the Order of Phoenix'. "Don't change, please!", I requested. Being another 'Potterhead', He decided not to change the channel.

"At my office, Potter!", Dolores Umbridge, the woman I hated after Voldemort and Lucius Malfoy and Bellatrix Lestrange, spoke up. My blood boiled, whenever I saw her making Harry write 'I must not tell lies', on the paper that got pierced on the back of his hand, too!

I kept moving at that sight. Darshan probably understood it. I sat on the sofa, properly. And Darshan sat on the cold floor, with my legs touching his back. "Darshan, no! What are you doing?", I said. He didn't say a thing. "You'll catch cold. The floor is so cold, get up!", I said. He didn't responded. "Get the hell up!", I yelled. "Shh!", He said, placing his index finger on his lips. Aah, those lips! Wait, what am I thinking?

He placed his head on my lap and then I felt the urge to run my fingers, through his hairs. And that's what I did. My hands crawled up to head, to give him a massage. "Just a little right.", He said motioning at my left. I pressed there and ask if he felt better. He said, he did. And then eventually he sat on the sofa, again. He placed his head on my shoulder.

"Cho couldn't take her eyes off you, Harry. Couldn't she?", Hermione, said. "Did you ever ship Cho and Harry?", Darshan asked. "Nah. I never shipped Ginny and Harry, too. No wonder why, J. K. Rowling got Harry and Ginny together.", I said. "J. K. Rowling was jk(just kidding), you know? And then it turned out to be Harry and Ginny.", He chuckled. I too laughed.

"I ship DraMione (Draco and Hermione) and HerMione (Harry and Hermione).", I said. He nodded.

Suddenly, He sat beside me properly. And told me to sit facing him. "But why?", I asked. "Because I'm telling you to, now will sit they way you can face me?", He asked. I did exactly what he said.

He took both my hands on his. And stared at them. I could bet there was something bothering him. Something, He wanted to say, but is unable to say. As if something is holding him back. Fears? There's nothing holding you back, baby. Just say it.

"Anayaa, yesterday your internship ended. You'll be joining the City Hospital, as a Doctor in a few days. I just wanted to say that...", He paused. "That?", I asked. He looked up at me. Those black orbs of him! "I really want my relation with you to work.", He said.

Was that all he wanted to say? Like, seriously? I patiently waited for him to say something. When finally said it, I was drowned into an ocean of his Love.

"Will you please to do the honour to be my bride and marry me, so that I and you can be of each other's, till death separates us?", He asked. Looking cautiously into my eyes, waiting for my reply. Somewhere, I was just lost in him. He looked so desperate, yet calm.

"I'm not telling you to marry me right now.", He said. I didn't even realise what he was blurting out. I just saw the way his lips moved. "This might take time, I know.", He said. "But all I want is You. Is it too much to ask for?", He added. "Is that a 'Yes' or a 'No', Anayaa?", He asked. "I can wait. I swear.", He said. "I don't want to look filmy, so I won't say that, 'I can wait for the rest of my life.', it's just, I will wait until I will know it's 'Yes'.", He further added.

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