Chapter Fourty-Five - The 'Not-So-Decent' Guy.

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After telling everything to Darshan, I felt a little bit light. I was depressed. And suffering from terrible headache. I couldn't tell this to Darshan, so I just decided to take a nap.

After waking up, I found Kajal nowhere. I was too anxious to know, where and with whom she was. Of course, I had the idea that, She might be with Chinmay. So, I just called her up. And she didn't pick it. I again called her and she finally answered it.

"What is it?", She asked. The noise was too much, that I couldn't hear her clearly. "Hello?", I said. "What is it? I'm listening.",  She said. "Uh, Hey, I'm, I, I just wanted to say that, I'm sorry. For everything, of course. And Chinmay is (not) a nice guy.", I said. "Yeah, whatever.", She said. "Disha Pathak, She is.", I heard someone's voice.

Wait, did they said Disha Pathak? "Um, Kajal, where are you?", I asked, curiously. "Hard Rock Café, why?", She asked. "Uh, nothing. Enjoy, take care and bye.", I said, cutting the call. I dialed Disha's number and she picked it up in a jiffy. "Hey.", She said. "Where are you?", I asked. "Hard Rock Café, why?", She asked. Great!

"Do you know Kajal?", I asked. "Chinmay's girlfriend?", She asked. Whose what? "Huh? Yeah.", I said. "She's somewhere in here. Why?", She asked back. "Have I ever asked something from you?",I asked. "A billion times.", She straightforwardly replied. Ouch, couldn't she just say, 'No'?

"Will you do me a favour?", I asked. "No, why?", She said. What. The. Actual. Fuck? "Keep Kajal in front of your eyes. Don't let her disappear. Okay. I'm coming, there.", I said. "But why?", She asked. "Disha, I swear, I'll tell you every fucking thing, after I reach there. Please, Chinmay isn't a guy, who'd be around her.", I said. "Okay. Fine.", She said. "Thank you. And oh, please call the Police, if you find something fishy.", I warned. "Sure.", She said.

By the time, I drove off to Hard Rock Café, I was stuck in traffic. Suddenly, Disha called. My heart skipped ten beats, as the name flashed. "Hello?", I said. "Anna, I can't find her. She's nowhere to be seen.", Disha informed. "WHAT?", I said. "I was behind her, when Chinmay dragged her to an empty room, upstairs. I'm afraid he might harm her, oh God!", She said.

I couldn't let that happen. "DISHA CALL THE POLICE, RIGHT FUCKING NOW!", I yelled. "Okay.", She said. I pressed the horn and finally the traffic jam cleared. I drove the car in full speed parked it. I went to the café. I searched for Disha. I found her and she introduced me to her husband, Pratik, whom I had met at last for a hundred times. "Is it the time to meet Pratik?", I yelled.

"Do you remember who he is?", She asked. Fuck, Inspector Pratik Singh. "OoF, did you tell him?", I asked. She nodded. "What were you both waiting for? Auspicious time?", I asked. "Three things. 1) your arrival. 2) what if they step out of the room? 3) your decision.", Pratik informed.

"Pratik, can you break the door like Daya does, in CID?", I asked. "Do you doubt that?",Disha asked. "Cool, break the shit out of the room's door.", I commanded. "Aye, aye.", He winked. We climbed the stairs and there were three rooms. Two of them were empty. Which meant: they were in the third room.

Pratik did exactly what, I had commanded him to. He broke the door. And my eyes widened. Kajal was lying on the bed. Half unconscious. Chinmay's shirt was unbuttoned. So was Kajal's dress' zip. He was trying to sexually assault her. Pratik slapped him hard, and the voice echoed in the room.

I was shocked; astonished. How could he? Was this his plan? Sexually assault Darshan's sister, so that he breaks down? He very well knew, that as much Darshan's strength is his family, his biggest weakness is his family. I went to Chinmay and slapped him. "What the fuck did you do to her?", I yelled at him.

He smirked, wiping the blood from coming from his lips. "How could you be this brutal?", I asked. "You know what? Darshan was right. You are an fucking asshole!", I cried. "Get a hold up on you.", Disha said. "It's so disgusting!", I said. "I'm ashamed to call you my friend.", Disha said.

"Pratik, take him before something even worse than this happens.", Disha said. Pratik dragged him with his collar. "Tell Darshan, that I did what I was supposed to. And next time, my target will be Him, again. Because of what you did, bitch!", He said. "Sure, but before, you'll rot in prison.", Pratik interrupted.

I slapped my forehead. So many marks were on that poor girl's body. On her neck, hand, arms. This was so terrible to see. As Kajal regained her senses, She screamed. She first had to be at the Police Head Quarters for the testimony. I filled an FIR. "This matter shouldn't be revealed to the media, okay?", I said to Pratik. He nodded. Because, if media gets to know about this matter, Darshan will be upset. Kajal will be insulted. And both of their and their families' dignity will be at stake.

Later, I took Kajal home. Pratik too wanted to come but then staying with Chinmay, at that moment was his first priority. He told me that, Chinmay had stayed in the prison, even before.

"I feel so disgusting, Bhabi!", Kajal said. I hugged her but she pulled away. "Don't, please don't. Don't touch me, please. I'm dirt. I might make your hands dirty.", She said. "Kajal, I---,", "I need to take a shower. God, I feel suffocated.", She said running towards the washroom.

I dialed Darshan's number and when he picked up, I told him everything. "I'm coming.", is what he exactly said in his cracked voice. "No, Darshan. I can't say that concert is more important than Kajal. But, you can't cancel the concert.",I said. "But they will understand.", HE protested. "I know, they will. But please, trust me, I'm here, with her.", I said.

"Please, take care of her. I'm dying here.", He cried. And that was after a long time, when I heard him cry, terribly. "I will.", I said. "Darsh, don't tell this to anyone, in Ahmedabad. Not even, Kaki. You know how they're going to react.", I warned. "Hmm.", He hung up and I fed Kajal. She was crying and complaining. About how she should have listened to you, Bhabhi.

"It's okay, Kajal. In life, we at times, have to go through many unexpected things. Life isn't that easy, the way it seems to be. Life is the hardest thing, to survive. And you have, girl.", I assured. She smiled weakly. I couldn't just tell what she had been going through. Mental pressure, hatred towards herself, Chinmay, guilt and what not!

Later, I somehow managed to make Her sleep. She peacefully slept for few hours, and same did I. We knew, upcoming few days, weren't going to be easy. But, we will survive it. I placed a kiss on Kajal's temple, as I saw her sleeping, calmly.

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