Chapter Twenty-Six - Love.

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"Never had I ever thought of being in an almost 'successful' relationship with her, Kritz!", I said. "That's cliché and cute.", He said. "I know, I very well know that, mate!", I said.

"Is it too hard to build up a 'successful' relationship?", He looked up, at me. "I don't know, yaar! It's just... a feeling," I trailed off.

"Love is a feeling. An unexplainable feeling. You will never know when, where did this feeling got you. All you will know is - you feel amazing, happy, alive, devoured, loved, cared for and what not! You feel goosebumps, butterflies and so many things, when you are in love!", I smiled. "It's an amazing feeling. This one feeling is the best of the best.", I added. Kritesh just nodded.

"It's trash too!", He said, getting up from the bean bag, where he practically lied down.

Mind you, Kritesh Patel, has just overcame the pain of break-up. Yes, his girlfriend dumped him. "I guess.", I threw my hands in the air. "It's okay, bud! You'll be fine.", I said, giving his shoulders, a little bit of squeeze. He winced in pain.

If love holds the power to put one on the ninth cloud, it also contains the ability to snatch all the dreams, happiness. In short, it also shatters one's life into a million pieces.


The sunlight fell on Anahita's fair skin. And she moved, wrapping her hands around my waist. Her nose snuggled onto my belly. Her breaths felt ticklish, as they touched my belly. And bit of my bare skin, too from the kameez I wore.

If not anyone, She was the first person, to get all the love back, that she showered on me. I and Anahita were more of a Niece and an Aunt. I was too young and immature to understand that I was an Aunt, when she was born. She was the first love of my life. And, you know the rest... don't you?

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