Chapter Thirty-Three - Sitting/ Meeting.

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At Anayaa's Residence.

"Since the wedding will be held at Ahmedabad, do we get the opportunity to decorate the hall?", Dad asked. "I think we should give this opportunity to them, only. We can even decorate the Reception, you know.", Moti Kaki - my youngest aunt, said.

Mind you, we were all sitting in Papa's bedroom. Anayaa and I right beside each other. And by our sides, there were our families, trying to decide who will do what. Oh, there Disha was present, as well. "Then let them decorate it their way.", My oldest Uncle said. "But, we live in Ahmedabad, we know things and people better, there.", My oldest Aunt said. Wasn't she kind of trying to put up an argument?

"Even we live in Mumbai. We also know who are the best people, decorator, venue, caterer and all.", Bhakti snapped. OoF! "Okay, okay, let us decorate the wedding. You guys do what you want to.", Papa said.

"No!", Disha spoke up. "I mean, the functions of Anayaa's will be decorated by us. And according to my thoughts, the wedding falls in our Anna's functions.", Disha said. Anna is what Anayaa's family calls her. "Yes, she's right!", Half of Anayaa's family, said in unison.

"I think we shouldn't argue more on this topic. Let's agree on what Disha said.", Anant, being the sensible one, said. At last, my family agreed. "There is this topic, we wanted to discuss about.", My youngest Uncle spoke up. What now?

"We were thinking about giving the gifts and all.", He added. "I beg your pardon, you don't mean dowry, don't you?", Disha asked. "Hahaha, oh no!", Snehal Bua - my only Aunt, said. "By gifts we meant, a token. Given to the bride and the groom's family from the bride and groom's family.", She clarified. "What would you want to say about that?", Anayaa's Maternal Aunt spoke.

"We wanted to give her wedding attire, from our side.", Bua said. "Then, they'll give Bhaiya his wedding attire?", Krish - Snehal Bua's son said. She tilted her head, as an answer. "Is that all?", Bhakti asked. "I mean, in my wedding, I received a lot of gifts from my in-laws.", Bhakti.

"Oh, well, we just talked about what will be given as the token, from the bride and the groom's parents. It is up to the others if they wish to tell, what they want to give as a gift.", Moti Kaki said. "Oh...", Disha said.

Anayaa's Papa took the names of Wedding Halls and wrote them down. I couldn't believe, just exact two more months were left, for my wedding. My joy, knew bound!

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