Chapter Twenty-Five - The Special Occasion.

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My sleep was broken by a hell of notifications. Amongst all there was a message. From Ananya Di. 'Happy Birthday there, little one!", the message read. I instantly glared at the date, flashed on my phone. '12th November.'. That was my birthday! I checked through the notifications, but didn't found the specific one, that I hoped for.

'Maybe, He doesn't know.', 'How on Earth is he supposed to know, when we never talked about our birthdays and stuff?', I thought, practically cursed own. When I decided to study for a few hours.

After a long time, when I looked above on my phone it showed the time '03: 01', okay, now that's what studies; the pressure of exams do to you. You lose the track of time. I decided to unlock my phone and that's when He called. Okay, He finally called. I could jump on my bed, till it broke, out of happiness! I cleared my throat, so that I could sound normal and not desperate to hear, 'Happy Birthday', from him.

"HAPPY BIRTHDAY, ANAYAA!", He said, screaming his lungs out. Okay, I'm dead. No, You don't see me, alive there! "Thank you.", I whispered. "How did you know?", I asked, curiously. Of course, I knew his answer. "Facebook is a thing, baby!", He said. What he did just say? Ba, what? I can die peacefully now. "Oh..", I said. Anahita and Bhabi knocked on the door and I told him to wait.

I opened the door and they wished me. Awe, my family! Later, they left. And I and Darshan too cut the call. I had to sleep because, I had a class to attend tomorrow. But thankfully, just three lectures only. Which means, I will have to ruin some 4 hours of my birthday, only as I don't have duty, today.

Darshan last night, told me that if not anything, He would take me out for lunch and spend some time together. That was more than enough for me. I tried my level best to look good and proper to visit Uni. And then Darshan.

When my classes were over, I went to the parking. And there he stood tall, leaning against his car with his hands on his denim jeans' pocket. He did had a denim jacket over, too. As I walked close to him, he wrapped his arms around me and wished me. "No romance in public. Did you ate your manners?", I said. "Long back.", He stated, proudly.

He drove off to some posh restaurant in Mumbai. And we had our lunch after finished, He dropped me home and left. I looked at my wrist-watch, tied on my wrist. And the time was some 18: 26. Not bad for me, though. I could take a nap and drown back to studies, which I did.

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