Chapter Seven.

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-A Week Later-
Life those days was nothing but next to Hell! I had a lot of work to do and had to do promotions as well. But between this all, I was in continuous touch with Anayaa. That one girl, is just like a painkiller. Peace.

We got to know a lot about each other. And as soon as I finished my work, I'd either call her or visit her place. Day by day, we were getting more closer to each other. But something beyond our imaginations took place.

It was a Tuesday evening. I was at my home-studio. And suddenly, Anayaa’s Papa called. "H-hello?", A frightened low voice emerged, which I guessed was Anayaa’s Bhabhi. "Bhabhi?", I asked. "D-Darshan, Ma---", I cut her off, saying, "What happened?", I asked, restlessly. My heart skipped a beat hearing what she said. "Is Anayaa aware of it?", I asked. "No.", She cried. "Can you please bring her, here?", She requested. "I'll be there, with her. Shall I tell her?", I asked. "No, please. Anant told me not to tell her about this.", She requested.

I hung up and buried my face in my palms. Anayaa’s face flashed in front of my eyes and I got off from my armchair. I quickly changed my clothes in a plain white shirt and jeans. I drove off to the City Hospital, where Anayaa worked.

Once reached, in the parking lot, I found Anayaa. I parked my car and opened the door. Shut it behind me and started walking towards Her. I pat on Her shoulder and She turned. A huge smile covered her mouth. "Hey!", She said. "How come you here?", She asked, surprisedly. "I’m here to take you home. Anant told me to do so.", I said. "Oh.", She said. I held her hand and dragged her to the car.

I opened the door and she sat in. "Is everything okay? Why do you look like this?", She asked, worriedly. "How I wish I could tell you.", I thought in my mind. I placed my hand on Hers and nodded in a 'No'. "Do you trust me?", I asked her. "Of course I do, Darshan.", She smiled. "Then, I'll be fine.", I said. She sandwiched my hand and squeezed it. "I know you will.", She said.

I drove off to Her place and in the lift, I couldn't control anymore. I pulled her in a bone-crushing hug as it was me and Her, in the lift. "Are you hiding something? What's up, Darsh?", Her voice softened. "Promise me, You'll be with me.", I ordered. "Darshan", She called out. "I will. I will always be with you. No matter what.", She assured. When we were out of the lift, I held her hand again and she twisted the door knob. As she thought the door was open.

The door clung open and my heart started beating faster. Anayaa saw people dressed in white clothes sitting here and there. She looked at me for once and then walked where Papa was sitting. With his hand on his forehead. And Bhakti and Anant beside him.

Anayaa’s jaw dropped, at what she saw. A woman removed the cloth from Her Mother’s face, revealing her identity. Yes, It was Anayaa’s life. Her Maa. "Maa", She slowly said. And sat down next to her. She shook Aunty’s dead body, thinking she will wake up. "That's maybe her daughter.", A woman said to another. "Poor girl. That's maybe the guy she was getting married to.", The other woman said pointing towards me.

"What happened to Maa, Papa? W-why is-isn’t she opening her eyes? Why isn’t she talking to me, Darshan? WHY?", She screamed while fumbling. "She is no more.", Ananya, Her elder sister covered her mouth. "Di, what are you saying? Have you gone mad? She is playing with us. Remember back in our childhood, she used to pretend like this? And make you, me and Bhai cry? See, we’re all crying. Now she will wake up.", Anayaa further protested. "Maa, even Papa and all the people here are crying. Please wake up, na! Please.", Anayaa cried.

With a jolt, She stood up and ran to her room. Afraid of she might harm her, I ran after her. And said to Anant, "She'll be fine. Don't worry.". Before she could lock the door, I entered the room. "GO! Go away. Jus-just go away!", She turned back, wiping her tears and I hugged her. She tried her best to pull out but failed.

I made her to sit on the bed. "Talk to me. I know how it feels. I feel you.", I said, pressing our foreheads together. She buried her face in my chest and burst out crying. "Why are they saying Maa is no more? Why are they saying she left us? Why, Darsh?", She questioned. And I had absolutely no answer for her question.

She cried for minutes like that. And then I thought of something. "Stay here, I'll be back in a jiffy.", I promised. I rushed towards the door and there was Anant talking to people who were leaving, with his bloodshot red eyes.

"Could please come here for a minute?", I begged. "Can I take Anayaa with me, please? The more she will stay here, she will try her best to harm her own self! I know, I have experienced it all. The pain is heart-piercing. She might stay a bit happy with me. Please?", I said and He sighed. "All this I'm doing is for her welfare. I'm her to-be husband, I know what is right for her. Just give me the goddamn permission.", I said. And he finally agreed.

I took a glass of water and took out a pill. I told Anayaa to have it and she did. Moments later, she fell unconscious and I started packing her belongings. Almost all the people were gone, leaving Anayaa’s family all alone.

I took almost everything. And then told Anant to take the luggage to my car, which he did. I carried Anayaa to my car. And drove off again, to my house. Once I settled everything down, I put Anayaa back to sleep. And feared, she might wake up in the middle of night, like I used to, whem Maa passed away.

At around one in the morning Anayaa sweated and breathed heavily. I managed to tie her open hair in a bun, without a rubber or elastic band. "MAA!", She screamed and woke up. And panted. I rubbed her back and fetched a glass of water for her. She drank it all. And started crying, again. I kept on rubbing her back, till her sobs were all silent.

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