Chapter Fourteen.

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September went away within a blink of an eye. October, Darshan's birth month, had kicked in. And that person was least bothered about it. Darshan called me at 2 p.m. and I answered it.

"Are you not excited for your birthday?", was my first question. "Are you serious? You've asked the same question for a thousand times, from the past few days. Stop, Annie!", Darshan exclaimed. I could sense him massaging his forehead.

"I'm sorry.", He whispered. "It's okay.", I said. "Could you come down your house? There's a tea-stall nearby. We could have some amazing tea.", He said. "You're kidding!", I said. "Look down, woman.", He said. From the seventh floor's window, I looked down and saw a man leaning against his car. Held his phone near his ear. And she shoved his hand at me.

"Stop staring like you never saw me, Dixit.", He laughed causing me to smile too. I took the lift to go down. And met Darshan in the parking. He pulled me in his usual warm, bone-crushing, filled with immense care hug. "People are watching.", I said in his ear.

He part away. He handed a cup of tea. The same cups, used at the stalls. I took a sip and it tasted bad. "Is it good?", He asked. "Did you make it?", I asked. "No. I took it from there.", He pointed out at a stall. "Sugar. There's barely sugar in it.", I said.

"I guess I gave you my cup.", He said handing me another cup. "This' yours", He said. He threw the tea and placed the cup on the bonnet. I took a sip of tea and forwarded my cup of tea. He denied to have it.

I stared at him, for a while and then he raised a brow and said, "What happened?". "Come upstairs.", I said. "No.", He nagged. "Anahita is alone.", I said. "I must go to my girlfriend, but no one's home?", He asked. I shook my head.

I again took a sip of tea, and forwarded it to him. This time, he took it. He fucking finally took the cup which I drank tea. And he drank the leftover. He tilted his head to his right to hide his smile. I too broke into a smile seeing him.

"Hmm?", He asked, still smiling. "Nothing.", I said. "Chalein?", I asked. He took both the cups and gave it to the shopkeeper. And came to me.

He walked along me and held my hand while entering the lift.

Darshan came and life changed. Things became even more beautiful than before. He was beyond perfect for me. He was the first and the last thing I could ask for. He was the person I dreamt, as my life partner. Though, he isn't my life partner. But he is a part of my life. He owns a huge amount of Importance in my life. Is it weird that I love everything about him? Is it weird that I love him? Do I? But the question is - Does he deserve me?

"We're here!", Darshan snapped me out of my thoughts. We walked out of the lift. And I rang the bell. In no minutes, Anahita came all the way running and said, "Did you die? What took you this long?!". "Is this dialogue, "Did you die?", common between you two?", Darshan asked. And I hit his upper-arm, slightly.

"Shut up!", I said. "Hey, prettiness!", There started 'The Flirt Raval'. "Hi, Darshan.", Anahita said. "How are you, this morning?", Darshan asked, in his posh, oh-so-British accent. "It's noon, now!", I yelled from the kitchen. "Get me water, Kabab mein haddi! I'm trying to be free with my girlfriend.", Darshan snapped.

"Why were you here, though?", I asked. "To meet me, obviously.", Anahita said. "See, my baby, my girlfriend, knows why am I here. No, baby?", Darsh said. "Right. Will you say it?", I nagged. Anahita stood up and asked what is the time and Darshan told her it. She said she will go play with her friends. She went downstairs, leaving me and Darshan all alone.

"Was passing by, thought I'll meet you.", Darshan said. I popped a chewing gum in my mouth and chewed it. Darshan walked towards me, and said, "I'm going to different places to perform.". I made a balloon of the bubblegum and he burst it.

His hair fell on his eyes and I felt the urge to move them, which I did. I buried my face in his chest. His hands rested on my back. "When are you coming back?", I asked. "Seventeenth.", He murmured. "That's too late!", I said, trying to push him away. But failed. "I know. But I can't help.", He whispered. "Right.", I pushed him and he stumbled. I walked to my room and wanted to slam the door on his face, but didn't.

"What do you want, Darshan?", I said. "You.",

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