Chapter Twenty-Nine - The Acceptance.

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"Are you going to say a thing?", He asked, shaking my hand. "Haan?", I said, gulping hard. "I'll just come.", He said, trying to get up, He looked sad.

"I will." I murmured, softly. Beneath my breath. He turned to me. His eyes widened this much that they looked like, they could possibly pop out of the socket. I stood up and said, "I. Will. Marry. You. Because, I love you. Because I want you; I want to be with you.I want You to be with me, probably all the time.", I said. "Darshan Raval, I am willing to be your wife. Aren't you going to ask my father for my hand, so that I could be named as 'YOURS.' Till death separates us?", I asked.

He just smiled some ten seconds after I finished. Before that, he was like, what are you saying? Oh my God, I am so in love with this guy! He pulled me in a bone-crushing, heart-warming hug. And stole my heart for the 123456789012345th time! He did not break the hug, He just held me tightly, and said, "This can't be a dream. I can't dream. But if it is, it is the beautiful dream, I have ever dreamt!", He said.

"It's no dream, Raval!", I said. "This is reality. This is US.", I said. He pressed his forehead against mine. And then his lips found mine. This time, the kiss was full of passion, love. I kissed him back, and after some moment, we were breathless. We stared at each other. His smile, getting widened even more with each blink. He was so beautiful! Everything that I could ask for. Wait, isn't it the 13030005th time I'm saying this? Okay, sorry.

"When are you coming home?", I asked. "Tomorrow.", He whispered. "Tomorrow, I'll ask for your hand.", He said. Tomorrow, you will be much awaited. He then bent to switch off the T.V. and grabbed our phones, shoving them in his both pockets of his pants. He bent down a little, again and wrapped his arms around my legs and waist. In no moments, I realised I was picked up by him, in a 'bridal' style. He took me to his room and kicked the door with his leg, and hands still holding onto me. My hands tightened it's grip on his neck. As he gently made me lie on the bed. He lie down next to me pulled me closer to him again. We cuddled and slept. That entire night felt like, almost an eternity!

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