Chapter Twelve.

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The moment I lied next to her, she turned to my side and I closed my eyes. I opened my eyes a little and saw her, staring at me with a smile stretched on her face.

She kept on looking at me and then brought her hand on my left cheek. She squeezed it a little, and I thought she found out that I was wide awake. She moved her hand to my neck and placed her forehead on my shoulder. I smiled at her and kissed her head. I placed my right hand on her back and we dozed off.

The next morning, I woke up to sunlight. Sunrays fell on my face, causing me to wake up. I sat on my bed and stretched out my hands. By the time, Anayaa came closing the door and wiped her wet hairs with the towel. She raised a brow at me and pushed on the bed. I fell on my back, which hurt. And she sat next to me, leaning in. "Darshan!", She called my name out. And I didn't bother to reply her, as I was lost in her. "Darsh!", She whispered, again I didn't replied. "DARSHAN RAVAL!", She screamed, causing me to jerk and open my eyes. "Huh?", I said, blankly.

"Your alarm, put it off! Else, I'll break your phone.", She ordered, tightening her grip on my neck. "That was a dream?", I asked own. "Turn it off, na!", She nagged. I struggled to fetch my phone and turned it off. "No in a hell way can it be a dream, duh!", I hugged her. "Shut up.", She said.

"What is the time?", She asked. I unlocked my phone and screen flashed '13: 09'. "13: 10.",I yawned. "10 what?", She asked. "13: 10, idiot.", I said. She jumped on the bed and I sat too. "You don't have a duty, chill.", I said comforting her.

"Fuck, I forgot. You were supposed to keep it in my mind, na.", She said. "No.", I straightforwardly said. And in return, she slapped my upper-arm. "I hate you.", She muttered. "Hmm.", I said.

We then later got up from bed and freshen ourselves. The weather that day was windy, dark. It felt like, it could rain at anytime. From the nineteenth floor, it kind of scared me to look down. Anayaa showed up with two cups of coffee and stood behind me, wrapping her hands around my neck. I smiled at her action.

"I'm not carrying you.", I said. "I didn't even told you to.", She said passing me my cup. "Isn't the weather amazing, today?", I asked. "Indeed.", She said. "I love it when the sky and clouds are grayish black. When the sun is hidden, somewhere between the clouds.", I said. Which clearly defined, my love for darkness.

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