Chapter Fourty-Three - The Unsolved Puzzle.

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Kajal and I sat on the edge of the sofa. "So, you know him?", I asked. She immediately choked on nothing. "Whom?", She, innocently asked. Was she this innocent? Was she a pawn of His play?

"Oh, Him? Yeah, I do.", She replied. "For how long", I questioned. "Ever since Bhai knows him.", She said. "Oh.", "What is he to you? I mean, is he a friend? Or something more than that?", the inner me, wanted to slam her with these questions. But I held the urge, back.

After that, I went to the washroom and bathed. Even in the shower, I couldn't help but think about Kajal and him. 'Were they in a relationship?', 'But Kajal is just eighteen. And Him possibly twenty-four. So how?', I thought, as the water drops touched my body.

And after an hour of shower, I decided to tell this to Darshan. I came out of the washroom and wore my clothes. I unintentionally wore a double sized t-shirt. Which was clearly Darshan's. I was too lazy to change, so I wore his tee. A part of me was convinced that he was here. With me.

I called him and he quickly picked up the phone. "Hey!", He said. His voice, was nectar to my ears. "H-Hi.", I said. "What's up?", He asked. "The sky, ceilling, stars, galaxies, planets and so many things!", I joked. "Sensible.", He said. "How are you?", I asked. "Good, you?", He asked. "Fine.", I said. "Why do you sound so dull? Are you sick? Are you falling weak?", He asked.

"Yeah.", I said. I never lied. I was, fine. "When are you coming back, by the way?", I asked. "A week later.", He said. Why is it, whenever I need you or someone else, is away from me? Why me? "Oh...", I said. "Do you want to tell me something?", He asked, yawning. He seemed to be tired.

"Um, no, yeah, actually! How was concert, today?", I asked. "It was good. Like always.", He said. "I think you should sleep. You need to take rest, you know?", I tried to cut the conversation. "Hmm.", He said. "Listen.", He added. His husky voice, was a weapon to kill me. It was something to make me melt, anytime, anywhere.

"I love you.", He said. "And if you think, there is something that I need to know, I am just a phone call away. Okay?", He asked. "I know. I love you too, husband!", I said. We cut the call.

He was probably, backstabbing Darshan, again. But, I couldn't let that happen, once again. I don't want Darshan to be shattered; once again. If my thoughts were true, about Him, he can't harm Darshan. I vowed to protect him, the day  I fell in love with him. I can't let him, around Darshan.

The next day, He came again. I saw them again. But this time, they saw me too. Thankfully, they saw me when they were talking, only. "Hey.", He said. "Anayaa.", He said. I swear, if He had said, Ananya, I would have killed him! That's not my name, that's my sister's name.

"How come you here?", I asked. "Came to meet Darshan.", He clearly lied. "Oh, but he isn't at home.", I said. "Yeah, I just got to know.", He said. "Darshan will be back soon. I'll tell him to contact you, as soon as he comes back.", I said. "Aah, no. That's not needed, trust me.", He said.

"No, it is. It must be something very necessary that you come here, everyday.", I calmly stated. "I, um, sorry, if you don't like me, coming here.", He said. Yeah, sure! "No, you aren't getting what I'm trying to mean. Look, it's just I and Kajal in the house. Two women stays in a house, and kind of a stranger comes a almost every other day. That doesn't look good.", I said.

"I hope you understand it. The society, we live in, is pathetic. They don't see the good motive of yours. Which is: you come here to search for your friend. They just stick to their opinion that, you are bad.", I concluded. Which he is, bad. "Yeah, I understand.",He said. And quickly disappeared.

"Why did you talk to him, like that?", The fury in Kajal's eyes, were visible. "Like what?", I asked. "Are you serious? Who talks like that? That too with such a good person, like him?", She added. Shit, She loves him! Damn, I never saw the coming. Why on Earth didn't I? Oh, that innocent poor little girl!

"I, uh, umh, I did it for you. For me. For our safety.",I said. "For you fucking kind information, I am more than enough to protect myself. I know who is safe, and who is not.", She said. Uh-oh. "Language.", I said. "Don't forget who am I.", I added. With that, She left, crying. Darshan had told me that he was a player. He probably was playing with Kajal and her feelings.

How could he? Was a revenge from Darshan this necessary? What had Darshan done to him? What was Darshan's fault? He was an unsolved puzzle. Which needed to be solved. Otherwise, it would end up destroying four lives. Mine, Darshan's, Kajal's and His.

His mystery, needs to be revealed. Which, I will.

Any guesses, who 'He' is? Let me make it easy to you, He is an unsolved puzzle. He talked about something which none but You guys' Anayaa heard. And she is pretty sure about what she will be doing. But, the question is, what is this 'He' to Darshan? What revenge is Anayaa talking about? And will she be able to tell Darshan about 'Him'? 👀

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