Chapter Fourty-One - Future Plannings.

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13th of March, 2019.

As I moved to my right, something bumped onto my bare chest. I struggled to open my eyes, to see the thing. When I finally managed to open my eyes, I realised it was Anayaa's face. A huge smile stretched on my face. I put my hand around her head, to pull her even more closer.

With that, She opened her those tantalizing hazel brown eyes. "What is it? Let me sleep!", She sighed. "I never disturbed you!", I spoke up in my defence. "Not you, husband! That.", She said, pointing towards my phone. Which buzzed with an alarm. She smiled. "You can never disturb me.", She smilingly said, giving a little squeeze to my cupped right cheek.

"Cheesy, but that would work. You know?", I said, rubbing her back. "Let me finish, first!", She said. "Otherwise, I'm going to kick you out!", She said. "Oh, really?", I smirked. "Yes!", She exclaimed. I traced a lazy index finger down her back. And then, added more. She moved a little.

"Stop!", She squeaked. I was least bothered to even give a damn. "Please!",She begged. "I'm leaving for the last time.",I said, leaving her. I got off the bed and headed for the washroom.

Time skipped to seven hours later.

"We'll take your leave.", I and Anayaa said, heading towards the main gate, with our suitcases. "Have a safe journey, you both. And do call us, just as you reach home.", Kaki said. Anayaa mouthed a yes, and the driver drove us to Airport. Within an hour, our flight took off.

During the entire flight, all I thought of was:
1)Anayaa. 2)Going home, in Mumbai, after marriage. 3)My future being settled with Anayaa. After all, we are just a newly married couple. Things what we'll do, all would be seeming new to us. Even if it was going to be the gazillionth time, we were doing it. Be it; cooking, snuggling on the sofa, cracking the lamest joke, we could ever crack.

With that I realised, how she was peacefully she slept on my shoulder for four good hours. But unfortunately, was woken up by the pilot's announcement. "The flight has landed, safely. Passengers can calmly get off.", the pilot announced. We quickly got off with our suitcases and hired a cab to drive to home. It took almost an hour and thirty minutes, for us to reach.

Once reached, we kind of hurried to step our foot onto 'OUR' apartment. After all, the journey was tiring. Because: 1) My great family, was kind of trying to call off our Wedding Reception, as they didn't wished us to leave them this early. As if, they won't meet us tomorrow. 2) The journey back to home, took a hell of our time. And we initially became tired.

And thus, I and Anayaa decided to first get freshen up and then have something and sleep. But we ended up skipping meal, and slept. After some three to two hours, we woke up. And realised it was evening.

She brushed her teeth and forced me to do the same. Which I had to do. She went to the kitchen, with a blank mind. "What shall I make?", She asked, blankly. "Do you even know how to make a thing?", I taunted, laughing. Of course, I earned a death stare from her. "Can you make me French Fries, please?", I asked. She nodded in agreement. She pulled out four to five fresh potatoes and began to peel it off.

I fidgeted with ordering a pizza and kept my phone aside. I went to her side and hugged her back. "Who on Earth wears apron while cooking?", I asked and she looked down and burst out laughing. "I thought of making curry but then you said you wanted to have French Fries. And I forgot to take it off.", She said.

"Are you making Chicken Fries, too?", I asked. She nodded. "How did you know?", She asked. "I have my eyes so that I can see things and spot the difference between anything. You know?", I said. "Sure.", She replied.

"Do you remember the last thing I told you when you came to visit me, before our marriage?", I asked. "I do.", She said, nodding.


"Just three days more, and we will be heading to Ahmedabad, Darsh.", She said. "Yes.", I said. "We are getting married.", She squeaked. "Finally.", I said. "Finally.", She said. "Come.", I said, forwarding my hand towards her. "To where?", She asked. "Come!", I said, pulling her.

I dragged her to the kitchen. "This is where after our marriage, I'll come to find you in the morning, whilst rubbing my eyes, if I don't find you in the washroom or our bedroom. And when, I'll finally find you, we can do some kitchen romance here, you know?", I said, earning a smack.

"And in future, there our children will disturb us, while romancing.", I said and she laughed. "Children?", She narrowed her eyes. "I'm thinking of creating a cricket team of my own, but you won't agree, so two or three, maybe!", I said. "Thank you, two or one, is more than enough.", She said.

I dragged her to the living room. "This is where, we would snuggle at night, while watching TV. And there, you will sleep on my shoulder. And at times, while reading your patients' files, and waiting for me, you will doze off, there.", I said, pointing out the sofa.

"Our babies will roam around this entire living room, irritating you. And playing with me. Drawing stuff, doing their homework, and all.", I said.

I took her to the spare room beside my room. No, that wasn't the room where Dad stayed, when he came. It was just another room. Not even for the guests. "This will be our babies' room. Photographs of us, you and me, with them will be hanging across these walls. We will paint these walls, in every two months.", I said.

I finally took her to my bedroom. "This will be ours bedroom. Here, we can romance, plan for making babies, fight at times shout and then pacify each other and all.", I winked at her and she rolled her eyes. "You have planned a lot of things, that would take me ages to even think about.", She said.

"I'm just a little too excited. Is that bad?", I asked. "Our relation, your thoughts, are worth the excitement.", She said, relieving me.

-End of Flashback-

"We are going to stick that. Aren't we?", I asked. "Why would we not?", She winked. The doorbell rang and it was the guy from Domino's to give the pizza. I took it and payed the. "I need this right now.", She exclaimed. Putting the chicken onto the fry-pan. "Do you know why did I order this?", I asked.

"So that we could start taking few steps for the future, of Ours.", I smiled.

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