Chapter Five.

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Later, Papa insisted Uncle to take me to His place to stay over. But then Uncle said, "What would she do, there? Even Darshan isn't at home. He is in Delhi. He will be back day after tomorrow. Then I will take her.".

He then gave me his number, Darshan's number and took my number and messaged it to Darshan. Also, he saved my number in his phone. Same did I.

He had dinner with us. Told me a lot of things about Darshan. His choice, likes and all. He said how Darshan dreamt of being a singer and how it all turned into reality. How he gained fame. He is more into Independent Music than Bollywood. But he has sang more than ten to fifteen songs in Bollywood. And all which made my heart melt.

Papa handover Uncle two small boxes, which contained a Gold's Chain and a Ring. As a gift and He left. Papa looked up at me and said, "I am so very proud of you, today.". I smiled and Bhaiya pulled me in a hug. "She has grown up, finally!", He said. I hit his upper-arm slightly.

I went straight to my room and then headed towards my bathroom. I looked up at myself. Several thoughts popped up in my mind. It could burst anytime. But then came my saviour, Maa.

"Thinking if you did wrong by saying yes to this marriage?", Maa asked. I nodded, slowly. And buried my face in my palms. Tears tumbled down. "Saying yes to a guy, who is next to perfect for you isn't a sin, that you've committed.", Maa joked. And I laughed, between my cries.

"Maa, I don't even know him.", I said. "Do you know why did you agreed to marry him?", She asked. "Maybe because Papa wanted me to. Maybe because, I--", Maa cut me off saying, "No. You said yes because somewhere, you knew this would be good, which it is. Trust me your Papa is more than happy.".

Maa succeeded to convince me that Darshan is good. Very good. Worth deserving of everything. As if she knew him for ages. She convinced me for giving him a chance to prove him.

Later, Maa left my room and said that she needs to have her medicines. I played with my ring, for a while. It was all I had, as a symbol of being committed to Darshan, as I hadn't even saw him. All of a sudden, I decided to Google him. If he is a singer, he definitely has to be on Wikipedia.

I quickly unlocked my phone and on Google I typed, Darshan Raval. And they show his images. And then I got to know about his family history, him and all that. When I finally had enough knowledge to tell about him, I decided to click a picture of my left hand which contained the ring and updated my status 'Engaged', on Facebook.

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