Chapter Seventeen - The Confession.

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"Do you want to meet Papa and others?", I asked. "Sure.", He said. He held my hand and I guided him to our room. Everyone except Anahita was surprised to see Darshan.

"Are you staying here all alone?", Bhai asked. "Yes.", Darshan replied. "Then, Anayaa should stay with him!", Bhabhi suggested. Wait, what? No, no, no! I can't. "Yeah, even I think she should.", agreed Papa. Why is my family up to ruin me? "Are you okay with it, Darshan?", Bhaiya asked. Of course, he won't say 'No'. Because, if I had been in his place, I would definitely not say 'No.'.

"Um... only if Anayaa hasn't any problem.", Darshan said. I opened my mouth to say, but Bhabhi interrupted, "Why would she? This is nothing she has done, before. I'll get her luggage to your room.". "No, I'll do that.", I finally spoke.

I shifted my luggage to Darshan's room. "How are you going to ignore me, now?", Darshan smirked, closing the door. "Shut up.", I said. "I won't, you know that.", He shrugged. "Don't be annoying, please!", I begged.

"One must a pay price for his deeds.", He said. "Excuse me? What did I exactly do? A-Ahnd, w-what price are you talking about?", I asked. What will he do? God, I'll die!

Darshan walked towards a fridge nearby and pulled out a bottle of beer. He opened it and started drinking it. "Darshan, it's no occasion.", I said. "Shut up.", He said. There was a bottle of beer on a table, which I guessed was empty. He took it in his hand and sat on the bed with me. "Letʼs play a game", His face beamed.

"At this time? No in a hell way!", I said standing up, but he pulled me back. "Shut up and sit straight on the floor.", He said. We both settled down on the floor and he passed his bottle of beer to me and I shot a death stare at him.

"What? Listen, this is nothing that I don't know. You do drink beer, I know. Chill and have it.", He said. I glared at him. And he said, "This is a part of your price that you're going to pay.". With that, I took the bottle and sipped. I don't remember when was the last time, I had beer. But what I remember is, after four to five sips, I'm down. And that is going to happen.

Since it was just the two of us playing the game, Darshan decided first he'll spin the bottle then I. And we'll continue this till he sleeps. And after each spin, both have to take a sip of beer. I'm doomed, okay bye! He spin the bottle and it was my turn. I took a sip.

"Truth or Dare, Miss?", He playfully smirked. "Truth.", I whispered. "Hmm, have you ever cheated in an exam? Because, you look way too innocent to do that, you know.", He asked. "That's nothing, I haven't. I have. Many times.", I confessed. "Woah, Man! Okay, you're turn.", He said. I spin the bottle and Darshan took a sip.

"Truth.", He said, before I could ask. "What are you afraid of, besides lizards? I really want to know this.", I asked. "Failures, loosing people; close ones.", He confessed. He spin the bottle and I again took a sip. "Truth?", He asked. I shook my head. "First kiss?", He smirked. He knew my answer, this isn't fair! "You!", I whispered, burying my face in my palms.

I spin the bottle and he sipped. "First break-up?", I asked, this time I smirked. "Ninth stadard.", He admitted. "Dare, this time.", I said as he spin the bottle. "Kiss me.", He said. "Sorry, what?", I spoke, in disbelief. What the actual fuck did he say? "You heard it right. Be quick.", He said. I thought about it for a moment.

I won't remember this tomorrow, neither will he. Moreover, I had done this before, when I was in my senses. Then why not now? With a sharp breath in, he came closer, and I leaned in. His hands travelled from my waist to back. I placed my lips on his and he bit my lower-lip. With that, a moan left my mouth and he practically chewed it. Moments later, when we were breathless, we parted. That did felt good, I mean yeah...!

"Back to the game?", He asked and I nodded. I spin the bottle and sipped. "Truth, again.", He said. "Chose a dare, na!", I said. "You can't force me, that's not a part of the game, Dixit.", He said. "When, where was your first kiss?", I asked. "Just a day before my break-up. When I was sixteen, in ninth standard.", He said. "Ouch. That's sad.", I said.

He spun the bottle and said, "Because, I know you will say truth, Lemme ask you, are you a virgin?". "Darshan! I have never had a boyfriend, and you expect me not to be a virgin? I am.", that was beer speaking.

I spun the bottle and he said, "Truth.". "Not again, please! Are you a virgin?", I asked his question back to him. "Yes.", He whispered. "Wait, what?", My jaw almost touched the ground. "No way!", I said. "What? I am.", He said. "Okay, fine. My turn.", I said. He spin the bottle and asked, "Truth or Dare? One last turn of mine, and we're ending the game.", He said.

"Dare.", I said. Darshan stood up and filled a glass with bear and held it in front of me. "Finish it.", He said. "Darshan, one more sip, I'll throw up.", I said. "You won't.", He said. I couldn't argue more with him. So I drank it in a go. I was high by now. I spin the bottle and Darshan again said truth. "Your deepest, darkest secret that you would want to tell someone, but are afraid to. Asking this because we won't remember any of these.", I said.

He sat next to me on the bed and took my hands in his. I stared at him and he finally said, "I love you.". "I love you, but each time I look at you, I just can't say it.", He added. And that was more than enough to send chills down my spine; enough to make me melt. Darshan placed his head on my shoulder.

Today or tomorrow, Darshan had to say this. And he did. Also, A man would definitely not lie, when he isn't even in his senses.  He loves me, and I can't believe this! "I won't remember this, tomorrow.", I thought to own. I took my phone and sent a message to own which said, "Darshan confessed his feelings for me. He loves me.". I don't remember when did we fall asleep. When I woke up, I felt blessed.

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