Chapter Thirty-Six - The Haldi Ceremony.

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I was made to wake up at 9 in the morning. And was told to get ready for the Haldi Ceremony. I swear, I would have got even more ready, if I knew mine and Anayaa's haldi ceremony were supposed to be held, together.

Yes, as decided, my Haldi was supposed to take place on the 6th of March, which is today. And Anayaa's was supposed to be held on the 7th of March. Which is tomorrow. But here comes the twist. Which is: few not important, at all, rituals. Such as Sangeet and probably what not!

I was thrown onto Kritesh and Siddharth's shoulder. They were carrying me to where Anayaa was. With everyone dancing, singing, enjoying I got a glimpses of my bride to-be. She looked beautiful, as always! She wore a bright yellow suit and on her fair skin, it glowed. She was astonished to see me. But I smiled at her. Her cheeks were by now, no longer white or peachy. They were all bright yellow.

I simply sat next to her. And then took off the t-shirt, that I wore. Revealing my bare body, my friends hooted. And started apply the turmeric to me, as well! Everyone applied very less, according to my calculation. But when it was the turn of our siblings, friends they finished two tubs of Haldi on our cheeks only and the rest on our body.

Kritesh rubbed his palms together, whereas Bhakti smirked. Fuck, we are just so doomed! I and Anayaa exchanged nervous; worried looks. And all of a sudden, both Kritesh and Bhakti took a hell of turmeric and smeared it on our faces. "Saale!", I yelled. "I helped you with that Amy-bitchy and what did you do, Kamine?!", I added. "No, please!", Anayaa cried. "Please, Bhabhi!", She cried.

"Now you repent doing that.", came Sid and Disha's voice from behind. "OH. HELL. NO!", I and Anayaa screamed, in unison. And they followed Kritesh and Bhakti's footsteps, even after being warned by us. The day passed swiftly and we were both yellow. Not a single part of our bodies, was left like before.

The photographers kept on clicking our pictures. They asked us to pose. They even showed us, how to pose. Like, they showed 'The Darshan Raval', how to pose, who is a pro at posing. Huh, fools!

"Now, you both will bath with milk.", Kaki said. Excuse me? Suddenly, we felt a rain of milk above our heads. We looked up and realised Bhakti and Disha were doing it, helped by Sid and Kritesh.

"What the--," I was cut off by Sid, "Bro, language. Watch it!", He said, laughing.

A few moments later Anayaa nudged me. "I want you to meet someone.", I said. "Who?", I asked. "Someone too special.", She said, dragging me to an empty room.

And I saw someone's back. The guy turned to me and his hazel green eyes, met my eyes. I was astonished and shocked. "Why- why is he here, Anayaa?", I asked. "Excuse me, I have a name.", He said. "Yes, the very name I have been hating since 2016!", I growled. "Darsh!", Anayaa interrupted.

I jerked off my hand from her. "Get the hell out of here, Chinmay Roy. Before I kick you out!", I said. He left and Anayaa followed him. Moments later, she came all the way running to me. "What's wrong with you? Why are you behaving like this?", She asked. "He's your best-friend, Darsh.", She softly murmured.

"He was my best-friend, Anayaa.", I said. "I know, something happened between you two and you both don't talk.", She said, cupping my cheek. "But you don't know the reason!", I yelled. "Darshan, slow down!", She yelled back.

"Tell me the reason, then!", She said. "You know the half thing why I dumped Parul. You know the half thing, why I don't talk to Chinmay; why I hate him.", I said. "Di-Did you dump Her for Him?", She asked. I tilted my head. She put her hand on her mouth.

"Parul and Chinmay were cheating on me, since I was in India's Raw Star. When I came back home, I knew nothing. But one day, I caught them red-handed. No one knew this truth, apart from Me, Parul and Chinmay. Everyone, I repeat, everyone including you knew the half-truth.",I concluded. "I-I, I'm so sorry!", She said, hugging me.

"It's okay. I have overcame that.", I said, rubbing her back. She parted away. "Parul was wrong. Wasn't she?", She asked. I nodded. "Then what's Chinmay's fault?", She asked. "Anayaa.", I said. "Please, forgive him.", She demanded. "Please.", She said. "Anayaa, I--,", "For me, please?", She asked.

"Fine.", I said, pushing a weak smile. She went back and brought Chinmay with her. She gestured me to hug him, I did it. She looked happy, but I didn't. Truth to be told, I can never overcome the pain that Chinmay gave me. Chinmay probably said something and Anayaa heard it. She became worried after hearing it.

I raised a brow to ask, if anything was wrong and she nodded in disagreement, as if to say, 'No'. Chinmay vanished and I and Anayaa too went back.

Later on, we were forced to two different washrooms and we had a bath, properly. When I came out of bedroom, I realised by now, Anayaa along with her family was gone. And that meant one thing. Which is:

I'll get to see her on the wedding, which is some six days later. I won't be able to see her, for five fucking days. I. Am. Dying. Help. Me.

I quickly grabbed my phone and rolled over my bed. I texted Anayaa. And instead of her, Anahita replied. Of course, I chatted with her!

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