Chapter Six - The First Conversation.

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I kept on scrolling through my Facebook feed and suddenly Disha called me up. "What the actual fuck?", She muttered. "What?", I said, keeping my voice low. "You got engaged and were least bothered to tell me, brilliant!", She exclaimed. And I sighed.

"Are you really engaged or what?", She asked. "Disha!", I scolded and she laughed. "Woman, to whom?", She again asked. And I said, "Darshan Raval. Do you know him?", I asked. She remained silent.

"Are you kidding me?", She questioned. "No, dumbass! Why on Earth would I?", I said. "He is Darshan Raval. Like 'THE DARSHAN RAVAL'. People are crazy for him. His huge fan-following, Oh my God! And you're like, 'He is Darshan Raval'. He isn't some other guy. He is damn special.", She explained.

"How do you know him? How long have you two been dating? God, tell me everything!!!", She insisted and I narrated my whole story to her. How everything changed and how I ended up here. "Kismat, bro.", She said. "Hmm.", I said.

We had a long conversation for an hour so and we hung up. Slowly, I fell asleep and did not even realized when did I fall asleep.

In the middle of night, I woke up to my phone's vibrations. I struggled to find my phone with my eyes shut. Once found, I realized someone called me and I answered the call.

"Hello?", I barely whispered, in my sleepy voice. "Did I disturbed you?", A husky, manly, familiar yet unfamiliar voice. I knew heard the voice but wasn't sure if it was the same voice, I heard. "Hello?", the voice whispered.

I brought my phone in front of my face and the screen flashed, 'Ongoing call with DARSHAN.' I jumped on my bed. "Are you there?", He asked. "H-hi.", barely escaped from my mouth. "Sorry, what?", He asked. "Hi?", I said. "Hey.", His voice, damn!

"Did I made you to wake up?", He asked. "Oh, no! I didn't realized when did I even fall asleep while studying.", I said. "I'm sorry for making our first ever voice call this bad.", His voice slowed down, guilt in his voice was clear. "No. Don't be. It's about two-fifty-two a.m. what are you doing?", I asked back. "Had an amazing concert. Was a bit busy. So it took me a little late to call you.", He clarified.

"The ring is nice, though.", He said. "How did you got it?", I asked. "My father is very fast.", I could sense he'd been smirking. "Ever since I wore the ring, I can't stop playing with it.", I stated. "Same.", He laughed.

We dragged the conversation long. We talked about weather, likes-dislikes and everything which led me to know almost everything about him. Which I wanted and needed.

"So you are a night person?", I asked. "Nah, Night-owl.", He joked and I laughed. "Can I ask you something?", He asked. "Sure.", I said. "When it comes to songs what kind of songs do you listen like you prefer?", He asked.

"A little bit of Romantic. 90's songs. Arijit Singh and Atif Aslam's songs. And mostly your sad songs.", I spilled. I liked, guess I loved his sad songs. "Thank you for giving me a reason to smile about at some three in the morning.", He said. Making me smile. Little had he learnt how to make me smile!

"Let's play a game.", He seemed excited. "At three in the morning? No way!", I said. "Please. That will help us to know about us, na!", He pleaded. "Fine.", I said. "I'll ask you questions and you'll reply. Vice versa. You'll do the same and I'll reply.

"Party Animal or A Person Who Loves To Stay At Home?", He asked. "Definitely, The person who loves to stay at home. You?", I asked. "Both. I can party till morning and stay at home for weeks.", He said. "Bollywood or Hollywood?", He asked. "Mostly Bollywood. But I'm a Potterhead as well.", I said. "Hey, Same!", He explained.

"Arijit Singh or Atif Aslam?", I asked. "Both. Can't choose one!", He said. "I like Atif Aslam a little more than Arijit Singh. Adeez, you know.", I said. "Introvert or Extrovert.", He asked. "Depends on people around me and situation.", I said. "Same.", He agreed.

"Whom do you love more, Mom or Dad?", I asked. "Yaar!", He nagged. "Both are my life. But I love Maa a bit more than Dad.", He said. "Maa always!". I said.

"I miss her.", He hissed. "Whom?", I asked. "Maa.", He chipped softly. "Why? She is with you all the time. She can see what you are doing, what you do. Don't.", I said. "Hmm.", He said. "I think we should go to sleep, shouldn't we?", He said. "Yeah.", I said. "Chalo, Bye!", He said and we hung up.

Maa was right. He wasn't that bad. At least we think almost in a same manner. Guess, that would help to build up a future with him. Won't It?

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