Chapter Fifteen.

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"I want You; I need You. I need you, as a man needs a woman, in his life.", Darshan stated, pulling me even closer. "Why?", I asked. "I don't know. I feel like, I'm into you.", He shrugged.

"Just go away, Darsh.", I pushed him. "This is the situation you have to face, Anayaa. I can't stay with you, all the time. Of course, neither can you.", He said. "Do you want me to be with you?", He asked, knowing I would nod.

I let out a sigh, and he said, "Then, I know you will face this situation. This is my work. This is what I do, I wanted to do; I will do. I will have to, I shall perform in every possible state. If necessary, I will take you along.", He cupped my face.

"Stop sulking, will you?", He irritatingly said, making me smile. "Come here.", He pulled me in his heart-warming hug. That was probably my safest place to stay. A best place to sleep on.

"When is the flight?", I asked, burying my face in his shoulder. "Tomorrow evening.", He said. "Could you stay up late at night from tomorrow to till I return?", He asked. I nodded and asked, "Why?". "Because, I want to talk to you and that's the only time when I'll be free enough to talk.", He said.

"What about your birthday?", I asked. He smiled and placed his chin over my head. "I want to celebrate it with you.", I said. "You will.", He whispered. "How?", I said trying to get out of his grip. "You will see.", He said. "Hmm.", I said.

Darshan and I walked around my house and talked about how hectic yet peaceful is to travel, perform. Later, Darshan left, leaving me all alone in the house.

I shut my eyes, and his image flashed. I could imagine him standing right in front of my eyes. Talking to me, about me.

Gradually, I quitted thinking about him and focused on my studies. I decided to make myself busy in study till Darshan returned. And stayed more at Hospital, than home.

Earlier, the other night, when Darshan left, Papa came to my room and said, "Do you remember Anjana Aunty? The one who met your mother few days before her demise? She called. And invited us, to her son's wedding, which is held in Ahmedabad. Shall we go?". Because, I wanted to keep myself a bit away from Darshan, I said "Yes.", to go.

On the thirteenth of October, Papa, Bhai-Bhabhi, Anahita and I, we left for Ahmedabad and reached there within three hours, as we took to flight.

As soon as, we reached Ahmedabad, I realized, Darshan’s hometown, Ahmedabad. And it forced me to think about him, again. Poor me.

৹Shall I help Anayaa to forget Darshan?😜 Or, Shall I bring her even close to Him? You decide! Show some love, as well. ♡

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