Chapter Eleven - The First Kiss.

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We both uttered not even a single word. Instead, we stared at the full-moon. And inhaled the wind.

"Can you make me a cup of coffee?", She asked. "At this time? Sure.", I said. I made coffee. "Sugar?", I asked. "Two tablespoons.", She said. I mixed the sugar and took it to the balcony, where she was standing.

I pressed the warm mug against her arm and she turned, sandwiching the mug in her hands.

"It's a moonlit night.", I said. She smiled a little and said, "Back in seventh grade, in a book, I read that 'Couples Enjoy This Night A Lot.'.". "Advanced Learning Book?", I asked and she burst out laughing while shaking her head. "But that I guess, was in Ninth stadard's book.", I said, blankly.

"Papa always said to read the text books of each other. Thus, I used to get Bhai and Di's books. When I was in seventh grade, Di was in ninth and Bhaiya was in twelfth. So I would get their books.", She said, taking a sip of the coffee.

"We are a couple, aren't we?", She asked. "What do you think?", I asked, back. "A couple, I guess.", She shrugged. I forwarded my right hand to her. "Couple enjoy, on such nights. If we are so, Shallwedance?", I said in a go. She smiled and placed the mug on the railing.

She stepped closer, I placed my right hand on her waist and left hand moved with her. Her left hand was on my shoulder. Our eyes moving in sync, not looking anywhere. We stepped closer, till our bodies collided. Her nose pressed against mine, our warm breaths touched our faces.

She moved, holding onto my finger. Both my hands on her waist. Her hand moved to the back of my neck. My nose right next to her jawbone below her earlobe. I placed my chin on her shoulder. She moved my hand and interwind our fingers.

Seconds later, she turned and I smiled, weakly. Our foreheads again present together. Eyes never leaving each other. My hand moved to her lower back and she wrapped her hands on the back of my neck. A strand of her hair was tucked by me, behind her ear. And her eyes dazzled.

Both knew what was next. She closed her eyes, and I followed her steps. Moments after, we realized our lips were placed on each other's, moving in sync. My hand again moved on her back, and hers on my left cheek.

That kiss was definitely to clarify what we felt for each other. It was a proof that we wanted to take this relationship forward. It was new emotions, building up in US. It was something which held the power to make Her and Me, 'US'. That kiss, was a symbol of our togetherness. ♡

Her hand found it's way to my neck. And the next second, we were forced to part away. As we were disturbed by a phone call. "THE FUCK!", I said catching breath, while I parting away. My phone's screen flashed the same lyricst's number.

"Don't you fucking understand I told you I need time?", I yelled. "Be Nice!", Anayaa scolded. "Um, sorry. I-I, I was trying to work on your song.", I practically, lied. "I'm ready to work with you, Sir.", I said, in a proper manner. And Anayaa smiled. As soon as I gave the news to that lyricst, he thanked and congratulated me and said to jam with him.

By the time he hung up, Anayaa was now leaning against the railing. I went to her, knowing nothing to say.

"I'm sorry.", I whispered. She turned to my side, and raised a brow at me. "What?", I asked. "That's something I should be saying.", She said. "What are you sorry for, though?", She said biting, practically chewing her lower-lip. In order to hide the smile she was wearing.

Watching her smile, I too smiled. "What are you smiling at, now?", She asked. "Know what? You should sleep. You need to take rest. Come.", She held my hand and dragged me to my room. "I need to use the washroom.", I said. "I'll go to sleep.", She said.

"Darshan?!", She called my name out. "Yeah?", I asked. "Could you please drop me to hospital at tomorrow, night? I have a duty.", She requested. "Sure.", I said, and went to the washroom. When came back, saw her sleeping. I smiled at her and slept next to her.

•Show some love, People! ♡

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