Chapter Thirty-Four - Shopping.

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Loving this amazing banner, by himanshi_dz . Thank you, Himanshi! ❤

"Bhaiya, that one suit, please!", Bhabi said. "Yeah, and the third last one from the seventh section, also!", Disha said. "These two are pretty, no?", Bhakti Bhabi and Disha kept talking to each other. Simply ignoring my presence.

They bought so many dresses, that I lost the count. At last, they started quarrelling between two dresses. The argument almost was slipping out if hand, until I screamed. "Stop it, both of you!", I yelled. "Bhaiya, we will buy both if the dresses.", I said, snatching my credit card from Disha and passed it towards the shopkeeper.

"We're rich enough, I know. We don't have to show it, everywhere, in front of everyone, dumb heads.", I scolded. "Whatever.", Both of them mouthed. "Annie, it's too cold over here, don't remove your sweater.", I said to Anahita. But, whatever was good today is, my outfit for the functions, were just awesome!

At Anayaa's House.

"Chalo, we'll have to go, to give invitations to people.", Bhai said to Bhabi. "Not today, She must be too tired, Bhai!", I said. "I know, I know, but we can't afford to get tired at right now.", Bhai added. I shook my head. Just a month more. I couldn't wait anymore!

Ahmedabad, Gujarat.

"Are you guys even for real?", I said. "Do you think she will survive after wearing this heavy lehenga or whatever, it is...?", I asked. "She will pass out, the moment she will see it. Can't you guys just understand?", I added.

Everyone hung their heads low. "So what will we do now?", Snehal Bua asked. "Am I supposed to answer that?", I narrowed my eyes. "Uhm...", Moti Kaki's voice trailed off. "We could exchange it!", Sneha advised. "If you can, just do it!", I said. "And before you buy something else, mind you, ask me.", I said.

Everyone tilted their heads and vanished. Just a month more and here my family is, still fighting to purchase a perfect outfit for Anayaa. Thank goodness, mine outfit was good.

Dear Reader,
Brace up for the twists. As from the next chapters, The Wedding Functions, will start!

And you are cordially invited!

And you are cordially invited!

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