Chapter Fourty-Seven.

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Seven Years Later...


I sat on the couch, with the laptop on my lap. "Darshita Darshan Raval!", Anayaa yelled at our five year old daughter. "If you don't want to get locked in the bathroom, then get ready the school bus will arrive in a few moments.", She added.

Darshita Darshan Raval - our five year old daughter - goes to a pre-school. And today, She is supposed to go to her school, to attend the annual sports ceremony. But she being my daughter, is nagging that she doesn't want to go.

"Dadda, please tell mom that I don't want to go!", She cried, in her soft voice. "Awe, baby, don't cry. Dadda is here. He will talk to mum, okay?", I asked. She grinned. That grin on her face, was the same grin I saw on her face, when she was born, five years ago.

Six years ago.
18th of October.

"Happy Birthday to you!", Anayaa said. I hugged her. "Thank you, wife-life!", I said. She passed me a huge smile. And I cut the cake. I fed the rest of the cake to Disha, Pratik, Siddharth, Bhakti, Anant, Anahita, Dad, Papa, Kajal, Sneha and so many people.

Out of nowhere, Anayaa dragged me to a corner. "Wife-life, to do this, you'll have to wait until everyone goes.", I said, as Anayaa wrapped her hands around my neck. She smacked my arm, gently. "Darshan...", She said. I pulled her chin up, and rose a brow at her.

"I wanted to say something...", Her voice again trailed off. "I'm listening.", I said. "I'm pregnant.", She softly said. Excuse me, WHAT? "Huh?", I said. "You're what?", an unwilling smile smeared on my face and Anayaa chew her lower-lip.

A few days ago, She told me how sick she was, for a week! She was continuously vomiting and she became too ill. I joined two and two. And the answer was clear as crystal.

I was going to be a father. What could be more blissful? "Thank you, for giving me the best gift of life, one could ever give me, wife-life!", I said. Her eyes tantalised. And her smile grew wider.

I told everyone about her pregnancy. And everyone eventually started congratulating us. "After me, it's you!", Anant said. I gave him a side-hug.

Nine months later.

I breathed heavily, as I fidgeted with my engagement ring. Anant placed his hand on my shoulder. "It's fine. They'll be fine. Trust me, I have been in this situation.", Anant said. "How did you feel, when you were in my place?", I asked.

"I died every second and grew alive the next second I died.", He said. "Same. I'm dying, too.", I said. I exhaled a breath. And a nurse came with a baby on her hand. Was-was that baby mine? Oh God! "Mr. Darshan Raval?", She asked. "It's-It's me!", I said. "Congratulations, it's a girl.", She said, giving me my baby.

She was so fair! Her tiny little fingers hold my index finger. She had my eyes. And thankfully, Anayaa's nose. She just so pretty! An angel in disguise! My baby! A tear of happiness fell down my cheeks, as everyone took her in their laps. I was a father. A goddamn father of a baby girl.

"What's her name?", The nurse asked, filling up a form. "Da--,", I was about to say something, when she handover me the form. "I think, you should fill this up.", She said. I took the form and the pen. It was my daughter's birth certificate.

Child's Name: Darshita Darshan Raval.
Mother's Name: Anayaa Raval Dixit.
Father's Name: Darshan Raval.
I finished filling the form and passed it to the nurse. "Um, where's my wife?", I asked. "Ward no. 120", She said. I took Darshita and went to see Anayaa.

I sat next to her, with Darshita. My hand softly brushed her hand, which made her wake up. She opened her eyes and smiled weakly at me. "Hey!", I said and she smiled. "Did you see her?", She asked. "Yes.", I said. "Isn't she the prettiest?", She asked, crying.

"Thank you so much!", I said. "No, thank you.", She said. I kissed her hand, and then Darshita's hand. "What did you name her?", Anayaa asked. "Darshita Darshan Raval, as decided.", I said. She smiled. After a moment, we burst out laughing, remembering the incident.

"Remember how we quarreled to name her?", I asked and she shook her head.

"What dadda! No, dadda will not do anything! You are going to school, and that is it.", Anayaa scolded. "Ann, if she doesn't want to go, don't force her!", I said. "Don't you dare, taking her side!", She warned. "Next year, She will be promoted to first standard. She will be taking a part, probably. She should get used to the crowd, people, noise.", Anayaa said

"Hasn't she?", I asked. "Hasn't she ever attended my concert? Hasn't she ever danced with the crowd?", I added. Anayaa sighed. "Darsh...", "Fine!", I said. "Baby, Mum is just too cruel. But, I promise you, come home today and we will irritate mummy, okay?", I promised. Darshi tilted her head. "Darshi, bus has arrived. Come on!", Anayaa said.

"Uniform?", I asked. "That's not necessary, today. She has wore the identity card.", Anayaa said. I took Darshita in my arms, and took the lift. Once reached, I put her on the bus. She sat next to her best-friend, Tanvi. Well, Tanvi is Disha's daughter.

I came back to home. And saw Anayaa picking up Darshita's stuff. "I swear, raising up a child must be one hell of a task to perform, no?", I said. "It is. But when you are a mother, it doesn't seem that bad. Sometimes, when you are tired, then it definitely is.", She said.

"Who can know better than you?", I said. "Of course!", She laughed. "I'll soon be raising another baby.", She murmured, blushing. She probably thought, I didn't hear it. But damn, I did! When? Maybe the other night, when I was drunk and Darshi wasn't at home... Fuck!

"What did you say?", I asked. "Nothing.", She said. Don't try to avoid me, wife-life! "Say it.", I said, grabbing her elbow. "Nothing, I swear!", She said. "I heard you.", I whispered, smirking. She bit her lower-lip and went to the kitchen.

"C'mere!", I demanded. She came with some papers. She handover me those. And I began to read. I smiled at her. It was her reports. That she got, three days ago. "Why did you not tell me this?", I asked.

"I was waiting...", She bit her lower-lip. "Congratulations, again to-be Dadda!", She said, hugging. I kissed her cheek. And placed my hand on her tummy. "Congratulations.", I said. "I need to tell this to Bhabi.", She said. In the past seven years, Bhakti and Ann's relation had grew stronger. "She's coming over.", I said.

"Huh?", She asked. "I called her. Because Darshi told me she wants to play with Aniket.", I said. Aniket was Bhakti and Anant's son. "Did you tell Disha?", I asked. "This time, you are the first one to know.", She said. "I got lucky!", I said, gathering my files and stuff!

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