Chapter Sixteen.

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As soon as we reached Ahmedabad Airport, Papa called Anjana Aunty and she told him about a hotel. Probably where, we with the other guests, will be staying.

We left for the hotel, as Aunty had sent a cab for us.

The empty roads of Ahmedabad, kind of gave me peace. I had always been that kid, who loved to travel; who would nag to travel, always! And I still am, the same. I still fancy empty roads, trees everywhere and me standing tall under them. The bright sunrays would fall on my face, and I would just feel it.

"It's beautiful, ain't it?", Anahita snapped me out of my thoughts. "Uh, yes.", I said. "How are we going to manage in two rooms, Papa?", Bhaiya spoke up. "I, Anayaa and Anahita will stay in one room, and you and Papa Ji in the other room.", said Bhabhi. Papa agreed to her and we reached the hotel.

We checked in and I and Anahita roamed around the lobby, till they were done. Anahita had been my partner in crime. I was barely fourteen, when Bhai got married. And probably sixteen, when Anahita was born. Anahita was like more of a little sister to me. She was the first baby I raised.

"Did you talk to Darshan?", Anahita asked. I shook my head to both sides. "Why?", She asked, again. "Because, he is busy.", I didn't exactly lie, He is busy. He did called me but I didn't answered, a complete mess I am! "Why do you call him 'Darshan'?", I asked. "Because, He is my boyfriend, na!", She replied. "Right.", I muttered.

The day passed, and that night, it was probably the 'Haldi Night.'. Bhabhi was all decked up. And I and Anahita were making mock of her. We laughed silently, so that she wouldn't understand. I tried my level best to look good. Though, I know, now my family won't find a guy for me, as I'm already engaged. Wait, I'm engaged. Engaged to Darshan.

I shut my eyes tight, and dialled his number on my phone. I called him, but he didn't answer. Probably he was performing. I then gave my phone to Anahita which she happily granted. Moments later, I realized, Bhabhi said, "Whom is she talking to?". I looked at her and realised she was talking to someone on my phone. I raised a brow at her and she whispered, "Darshan.". I snatched the phone from her and she frowned.

"H-Hi.", I chipped. "Why on Earth, did you not receive any of my calls?", He asked. "I-I, didn't saw it.", I lied. "You didn't check your phone in two good days and you expect me to believe this, like seriously? I'm not a fool, Anayaa. That you're fooling around!", He scolded.

I went out of the room, so that no one could hear me. "Look, I'm sorry.", I whispered. "Sorry with this much attitude?", He asked. "Fine, I'm sorry. But hey, I did call you! And you didn't receive it.", I said back. Okay, even I have a big mouth.

"Do you understand work? That's what I had been doing.", He said. "Right.", I said. "Why did you ignore my calls at first and now snatched the call from Anahita, though?", He casually asked. "Because I needed to talk to you, simple.", I said. "Hmm, first ignore and then crave to talk. Good going.", He chipped. "Fuck you!", I muttered.

"I thought you'd be angry on me.", I whispered. "I'm not you, you know.", He said. "I shouldn't have taken your call.", I said. "Now regret.", He joked. "Darshan!", I said. "Acha, sorry.", He said, laughing. "Stop laughing!", I said. "You look beautiful.", He said. "Huh?", I asked.

A hand tapped on my shoulder and I turned around. I had to be dreaming! It was him, whom I was craving for! Whom, I just wanted to stare at. It was him.

"You, are... Y-you are, you are not Darshan, right?", I fumbled. "No! Why would I be?", The man asked. "And who is Darshan?", He added. "Can you please pinch me?", I asked in disbelief. That man grabbed my elbow and pulled me closer to his chest. I felt His aroma, and I was a bit sure, it was Him! "I'm 'The Darshan Raval'.", His hand crawled up to my back.

I parted to look up at him. "Hey.", I whispered. He waved at me and wore his 'million dollar smile'. "H-How come you here?", I asked, blankly. "I'm a singer, performer. I have to go to perform to different cities and places. That's why I'm here. Moreover, it's my home.", He said. "Oh...", I said.

"Surprised to see me here?", He smirked. "I hate to admit the fact, but yes. I am.", I replied. "That's cute.", He said. "How did you got to know about my arrival?", I asked, again. "I was a spy in my previous life. I have placed a tracking device on you, I know where you are.", He said. "Very funny. Hahaha, I died.", I faked a laugh.

"Anahita told me that you're in the same hotel, I'm in for the rest of the few days.", He said. "Why did you not told me about this wedding, you are attending?", He asked, again. "I told you, I tried to ignore you.", I confessed. "And why?", He asked. "I have no answer to this.", I said. "Okay.", He said.

"Can I ask you a question?", He asked and I nodded. "Why do you think I'm here?", was his question. "Wait, are you trying to say you're attending this wedding? Oh God, will you be singing?", I said, excitedly. He grinned. And said, "No.". Ouch, that broke my heart.

"It's my friend's wedding, silly!", He said. "What?", I asked. "Yes.", He said. "And, you're performing here?", I asked. "Of course, not!", He said. "Then why are you staying in a hotel, idiot?", I asked. "Because, I want to, dumb-ass!", He said. "Tell me this, who on Earth would want to stay away from home to attend friend's wedding, in a hotel?!", I asked.

"Do you understand clash between relations?", He asked, staring at my earring. "Oops, Sorry.", I said. He stepped even closer. God, this man is up to kill me. "It's pretty.", He said. "What's wrong with family?", I asked. He pressed his lips together and said, "They wanted to meet You. I said you can't come because, I didn't knew you were here. That's why I was a little mad at you, when you finally answered my call. Though it wasn't you, at first.", He said.

"They still can meet me.", I said. "No way! I have payed a lot for this room. If I take you there, I'll have to leave this place. Which I won't.", He said. "Quit being this stubborn, Darsh.", I said. "I will take you to meet them, but not now, woman!", He said.

• Surprise, Surprise! ♡

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