Chapter Thirty-Seven - The Sangeet Ceremony.

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After the Haldi Ceremony, we reached hotel in the evening. Everyone took rest. Same did I.

At 21: 32 P.M.

I, Bhabhi, Disha and Anahita sat on the bed. And we were all talking. Anahita sat on my lap. "Get off, Annie! Anna, is tired.", Bhabhi said. "Uh, no. It's okay, let my baby be.", I said, kissing her forehead. "Yes, yes, sure. Now, you will definitely want to spend more time with us. But once you will get married, you will forget us. You will be like, 'Family who?'", Disha said. I quickly grabbed a pillow and threw at her. "Ow!", She groaned.

"Acha, what did Darshan do to you that you are glowing this much?",Bhabhi questioned. I quickly placed both my hands on Anahita's ears. "She's a kid, you shameless womens!", I said. "She won't hear a thing. She's lost in your phone.", Disha said. "Whom are you texting?", I asked Anahita. "Oh shit, Anahita, give it back!", I said, snatching my phone, from her.

"Who were you texting, Annie?", Disha asked. "Darshan.", She softly replied. "OH!", Bhabhi and Disha said in teasing tone. I couldn't help but smile. After I finished talking to him, I somehow fell asleep. And woke up the next day.

7th March, 2019.
At 19: 55.

I was made to sit in front of the mirror and was being decked up, by the make-up artists. They are so annoying, I tell you! They did my final touch-up and I took the lift for going on to the rooftop. The ceremony was held there only.

At 21: 22.

"This is for you.", Sneha handover me a paper. Which probably was a letter. I smiled and took it and placed it besides where I sat. One by one, Darshan's female cousins came and gave me letters. I was kind of feeling strange at that. "Open all of them.", Bhavya - Darshan's yet another cousin sister said. "I will.", I smiled. "Are you tired? Do you want to go down, and take some rest?", Bhabhi said. "Sure. Let's go.", I said.

"Why didn't you dance?", I asked. "I don't know. Didn't feel like.", Bhabhi said. "Really, you didn't feel like dancing? You think I will believe you?", I asked. "You should.", She sternly said. "Is there some reason?", I asked. "Your brother.", She straightforwardly said. "Oh. Ignore him.", I said. "Wish I could. But, unfortunately, if I do that, I'll be kicked out of the house.", She said bursting out laughing.

"Is everything thing okay, between you two?", I asked. "I guess no.", She said. "Why?", I asked. "Two weeks ago, I requested him to join me to give card at my parents'. But janab, denied. He is just...", "I'm sorry.", I said,before letting her finish. "It's okay." She said.

In no moments, Bhabhi vanished and arrived Bhai. "Hey.", I softly said. "Hey.", He said, passing me a cup of coffee. "Thank you. At least somebody cared.", I said. "Apart from your to-be husband.", He said, pointing towards my phone, which showed clearly I was texting him. And there was no scope,I could lie to Bhaiya. Thus, I hung my head low and blushed.

"Come on! You are getting married. Chalta hain.", He said. "What's up with you and Bhabhi?", I asked. "Explain.", He said. "Is everything alright between you two?",I asked. "You'll get to know, let you get married.", He replied.

"Please, I am no more a kid. You could tell me if anything is wrong.", I said. "Did she told you something?", He asked. "I have the talent to read faces, like an open book. You do know that.", I said. He chuckled and nodded his head, in agreement. "I'm a worthless wreck.", He said. "What's the issue?", I asked. "The same thing every couple lacks, usually.", He said.

"Time.", He added. "You're an actual wreck. Do you know that?", I asked and he laughed. "Go to her, now!", I yelled. He stormed out of the room.

I collected the letters that Darshan's cousins gave me. And started reading the papers, one by one. 'Do you know how much I miss you?', The first letter read. 'Do you even know how much I am craving for you?', The second letter read. One by one, the letters read, 'I feel like coming to you!','Shall I come?', 'No, I don't want to die, before my marriage.', 'So, let me just drop the idea to meet you, okay?', 'Listen, I love you!', The second-last letter read.

'Yeah, that's different that you don't love too much, but hey, at least you do!', The last letter read. I burst out laughing, this boii!

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