Celebrity Crushes

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Do people actually have these? 

I was watching Spiderman homecoming with my friends, and I got so excited because I thought they said they wanted to watch it because it was marvel (I love marvel, they don't) and they were watching it to FANGIRL OVER TOM HOLLAND

Obviously he's attractive (how do you describe that as an ace person?) but HE'S HAVING A REALLY GOOD CHARACTERIZATION MOMENT I DON'T CARE THAT HE LOOKS CUTE WITH BLOOD ON HIS FACE

Hey guys! Welcome to my book...

I realized I forgot any introduction chapter or anything, so I'm adding this here. I also don't know how to write an introduction chapter. I know it's really long, but please read my whole intro, or at least the parts that apply to you.

Anyway, you're reading this for two reasons:

1: You're aspec

2: You're an ally


First I wanna just write something for my new aspecs or anyone questioning:

Being aspec is hella confusing. I've been through that. Most people on here have been through that. If you have any questions, no matter how stupid they feel, please ask them. I'll definitely try to give my best answer, and other people will help you out too. There are chapters in this book that I wrote when I was really upset that make asexuality seem bad. It's not bad. It's great. I'm not going to delete those chapters, but don't take them to heart, because there is NOTHING bad about being aspec. Finally, I have two pieces of advice for you: 

1. Try to avoid aphobes. You may be curious about them, but it just hurts. Especially right now, if you're not entirely comfortable with the label you've found. That's normal by the way. We all spend a lot of our life assuming we're straight and will end up doing straight things. Describing yourself as asexual isn't something you get used to overnight.

2. Come out on your terms. If you never want to come out, that's fine (Though I do think you should probably at least come out to one person at some point, just because it lets you feel a little more free). If you want to tell everyone immediately, that's cool too. You don't owe anyone the knowledge of your sexuality. I don't care if they've been your best friend for years. You tell them because you want them to know. At is OK to want to keep it to yourself. Also, some people aren't going to have a good reaction when you come out to them. And it hurts. But remember that most people come around after they get used to the idea. Make sure to explain what it is, and try to answer their questions. People do come off as rude on accident sometimes. If they're still assholes about it months or years later though, get rid of them. They're going to lower your IQ by just existing near you. And if anything happens so that you're hurting because of your orientation, and you need someone to talk to, I'm here. Whether someone was being ignorant, or you just want to be allosexual (people who feel sexual attraction) that day, or you're not hurting and something's made you really happy and you want to tell someone, or something different than any of those, I want to hear it. 

So the rest of you have either known that you're aspec for awhile, or you're allies.

Hi! If you're aspec, that's cool, so am I (I know, I bet you're shook). If you're an ally, that's also cool! Allies are amazing and we appreciate you so much. 

For anyone reading this, I hope you like my book, and comment when you have something to say. I like seeing all the things you have to say, and it's a nice reminder that there are other aces and aros in the world

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