More reviews because I almost have a life

253 18 15

Alright y'all not only did I get around to start watching a show (I've been watching Scooby doo for the past month actually but I don't think y'all want to hear about that) but I ALSO read a book!!!!!!! And now I will review them!!!!!!

So the show is called On My Block and it's on Netflix. If you're sex-repulsed this is NOT the show for you. I'm not sure if the guys' obsession with tits is hyperbole or teenage guys just kinda... zoom in on boobs, but that doesn't play a huge part in the plot anyway. From as far as I've gotten into it, it doesn't seem like the show is mainly about sex and dating but that could very easily change. Anyway there's people hooking up, grinding, twerking, masturbating, etc. So if you're fine with that then feel free to watch it, but otherwise probably find something else to watch.

The book I read is Crazy Rich Asians. I'm sure you've all heard of it if not read it. It's really really good and it doesn't talk too much about sex. At one point one character talks about a threesome she had to make another one upset, and it does describe someone giving someone else a blowjob but not really describing the act? If you want to know, the description was something like, "while a model was trying to fit both his testicles in her mouth" and it mentions people generally having sex but doesn't go into much detail about it. It's mainly about this really weird family dynamic, but the book is actually really really good, so if you're comfortable enough with reading sex related stuff, then definitely read this.

Also does anyone know how to make memes? Because if so please teach me

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