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Is it just me, or do are y'all's tolerances for hearing about sex and all that kind of all her the place too?

Like usually I'm fine with dirty jokes, and I'll make them as long as they're not about me (I mean I'll say "wow it's hot... like me" and stuff like that, but that doesn't count)

And like I make jokes about stuff being kinky and stuff, and I call those belts with two rows of metal holes 'bdsm belts' (gl not thinking of that when u see them next :))

But that's fine because it's not about me. I can't make jokes about myself having kinks or wanting to have sex because they make me uncomfortable. 

The other day I was hanging out with a few kids who I wasn't out to, and they made a few jokes about me looking at hot guys, so that was kind of new, and I wasn't exactly disgusted, but it just kind of felt weird I guess.

Also people talking about their kinks make me uncomfortable. Oddly enough, I'm generally okay with strangers, but if my friends talk about kinks they like or something, I'm just like "NOPE."

If I'm having a bad day, people had better fuck off with their sexual attraction because I can deal with somewhat suggestive jokes but anything beyond that is a no.

On that topic, why are people so open with the fact that they feel sexual attraction, but then it's weird to ask someone to describe it??

Also sensual and aesthetic attraction suck because I keep thinking I like someone and then I realize I'm super aggressively sensually attracted to them.

These isn't even related to asexuality, but I ordered some special effects makeup and it came yesterday, so I played around without today, and it came out not too bad considering that I hadn't done it in a while and I was using tissues instead of paper towels to cover my face.

I don't want to put up a picture because that's kind of like a face reveal and even though if someone knows me, they'll probably know from my description of me, I'm not ready to put a picture of me up. But I'm proud of it, so I'm gonna describe it to you. 

I used latex and tissues to cover the left half of my face. It want to the bridge of my nose, and about half an inch from the corner of my eyes on the other side. About half an inch above my eyebrow and around nose level for up and down. Then I put dark blue where my eye would be to try to create depth and then dark red her all of it, and then less dark red around the edges to try for it to look irritated. The problem with tissues is that they didn't pick up the product very easily, and when I pushed harder, they ripped. It ended up looking pretty fake, so I added a bunch of thick-ish fake blood to try and cover up the problems, and that worked pretty well. Then I used green and yellow to make bruises around the edges.

On the other eye, I just made it a black eye, and I added some more fake blood around my temple and chin. It didn't look the best in real life, but it looked pretty cool in pictures, so that's good. I'm trying to get really good so I can do something for halloween (I'm not twelve, my friends and I are just greedy bitches, and we have a tradition to go trick-or-treating every year)

If any of you guys do sfx, please give me any tips, advice, or products to get. I'm mostly interested in doing injuries right now, but I'm down to try out anything

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