The bachelor???

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What is so fascinating about The Bachelor? I'm not sure if this is an asexual person thing or just a me thing, but how did they create a whole show about people sucking each others faces off???

Also I saw an episode and this girl legit said "I don't think a relationship can work without a physical part" WHAT?

I know she wasn't intending it for ace people or anything, but you could have said anything else to justify the reason you wanted to have sex with Colton, and this is the one you go with?

Another question is why is it a Hollywood thing that couples don't talk about miscellaneous things? I don't get how people enjoy seeing people talk about their emotions 24/7. It's important of coarse, but if I'm in a relationship with someone I want to talk about whether or not mind reading is better than super speed, not about how wonderful kissing is.

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