
502 39 15

This sounds a *tiny* bit self-consumed, but I say we deserve this

Minorities of the LGBTQ+ community (aces, pans, basically all identities that fall under the non-binary umbrella, etc.) are so fucking strong. The reason some of us don't face as much discrimination from assholes is because most people don't know we exist, and people in the community seem more than happy to become assholes so no one's overlooked when it comes to oppression and the like. 

People constantly say that. our identities are illegitimate or that we're special snowflakes or that we don't belong. And they're tireless. Take ubereats for example (go check out their instagram if you haven't, it's really cool). They made a post supporting qenderfluid people and assholes went out of their way to say genderfluidity doesn't exist, is scientifically impossible, and that genderfluid people are special snowflakes. All of which are lies. 

These are the kind of people that would hate the entire community if they weren't part of it. And it's not fair for anyone to put up with this kind of bullshit. Just because there are less of us doesn't make our identity 'invalid,' it just means that it's more rare. that's like saying no one can have red hair because red heads are significantly less common. It doesn't fucking work like that.

We exist. We're valid. We belong. And we aren't the problem. That will never change. Only people's mindsets will.

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