Turns out I'm more awkward than I thought

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So my friends and I went to the mall today and two guys came up to us. I'm in the city a bit, so for whatever reason I thought they were going to ask for money. Because that's obviously what happens in malls. Anyway, we all hesitated long enough that we had to talk to them or else it would seem really rude.

And guy#1 very sort of shyly? says his friends wants one of our snapchats. 

First of all, if you're that shy, don't have your friend come up and hit on us, just don't fucking do it.

Well jokes on him since I don't have a snapchat, but I'm such an awkward fuck because I was still in money mode, so I was about to say, "sorry I spent all mine" (I'm not good at directly saying no, so excuses make it easier). And then I was like no, this is snapchat. And at that moment I realized the guy was hitting on us or whatever. A little bit late, but whatever. So I thought, "haha sucker, little do you know that you just hit on the wrong person."

The thing is, none of my friends had said anything at this point, and I'm not really one for awkward silences, so I said the first thing I could. "Sorry, I don't have any left."

And then we walked away. 

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