Frozen 2 and JoJo Rabbit and Joker and Detective Pikachu and Dunkirk and Anna

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So I did a big travel because last week was school vacation week for us and during that big travel I watched a bunch of movies so here's a bunch of reviews 

Also my descriptions are trash, so just kind of ignore those :)

Frozen 2:

Completely amazing. Very good. 10/10 recommend. The ending isn't everyone dying and I think y'all would greatly enjoy some wholesomeness. Also we can continue to easily headcannon Elsa as aroace which is very excitement. There's a tiny bit of romance but no sex and also it's portrayed in a way that doesn't make it seem like romance is superior, and friendship love, at least I think, is presented as the most important/strongest love, so that's good :)

The plot makes perfect sense when you watch it, but it's sort of weird to describe, so I'm just going to say it's a continuation of the first Frozen Movie. Also the music is very good.

Jojo Rabbit: 

also super super good. There's no sex or kissing or any of that. The main character does have a crush but it made sense and fit into the story well. My dad thought it wasn't good because it doesn't really portray how awful the nazis really were, and I think that's fair, so if you watch it, remember nazis are shitsticks. Still I would 100% recommend watching it (and this one is also fairly wholesome but less little-kiddish than Frozen 2)

It's a story about a ten year old (I think) boy in Nazi Germany near the end of the war. He's a devout Hitler Youth, and then he finds out his mom is sheltering a jewish girl. Also Taika Waititi AND Scarlett Johansson are in it 


I really really did not like Joker. There is no happy ending. There is no happy middle. There is no happy beginning even. The whole thing is really saddening, and while it does cover a few important mental health things, it was just such a bad movie that I don't think the mental health awareness was enough to redeem it. There's a little bit of kissing and stuff but it's only for a few seconds and not too bad. Overall, I would not recommend watching it, and just remember be nice to people and that mental health issues really effect people's lives even if you can't see them. 

It's the Joker's backstory, and about how his entire life has been miserable. 

Detective Pikachu:

Good movie !! The most sexual/romantic it gets is a crush and tbh the story would be the exact same without it. Ryan Reynolds as pikachu is the best thing ever, and just all of it is very good. A few bits seemed scripted, but it didn't detract from the movie that much. This one's also pretty wholesome but slightly more intense (I also get very caught up in films so you might not think it's intense at all idk). 

The main character is named Tim and his dad is in a car crash, so Tim goes to Ryme City to go pack up his apartment, and there he meets a pikachu who he can talk to (people generally can't talk to Pokemon) and they have adventures and stuff.


I thought it was amazing, but I can easily see why other people might not like it. The entire movie is intense actiony stuff, so if you're not into that, probably don't watch this, but if you're fine with that, then it's a good movie. There's no sex, kissing, crushes, or anything. 

It's about the evacuation of the British military from Dunkirk, France. The water there was too shallow for them to bring huge Royal Navy ships over, so they had all the British civilian boats come, and during this, Germany did an air raid. 


Oki first of all if you are sex-repulsed this is not the movie for you. If you like action stuff on the other hand, this is very much the movie for you. The only two things I didn't like was 1) there's an American CIA guy that she talks to a few times, and he's just very uninteresting, and then Anna (the main character) is like let's fuck. So that didn't make a lot of sense, but maybe this is due to the mysterious Sexy that continues to elude me ? Also Anna dates a girl for a little bit, but since Anna is presumably straight, it makes it seem like her girlfriend is bad because Anna doesn't care about what she says and obviously doesn't have sex when the girlfriend does. I still really liked it though, so go watch if you can

A Russian girl, Anna, is homeless, and then this guy takes her in and he's abusive, so then the KGB finds her and she joins them because she has nothing in life and they say they'll let her go after five years of service and it's a whole thing but very good.

I want to do a disclaimer to anybody for whom English is not their first language because I go beyond just grammar mistakes with the incorrectness in the way I speak, so don't take anything I say as a model of how to talk :)

Also idk where you can find these, but if you stumble upon them, here's my thoughts to guide your choice in watching them

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