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I told my mom about genders and sexualities and all that at dinner because it was just the two of us

And she seemed to be receiving all of it really positively, like she realized her mistakes with accidentally sounding transphobic and whatnot

So I decided she would probably react pretty well if I told her I thought I was ace

And like, she didn't react BADLY

But I'm hella confused now

She did the you're too young and you haven't met the right person yet things, which are to be expected I guess

But then she said that people didn't experience sexual attraction until they're adults and everyone saying they have it now is just pretending

Which is not at all what everyone else has been telling me

To be fair, I didn't put in a ton of effort to exactly explain what sexual attraction IS

But I feel like she would know seeing as I'm pretty sure she's experienced it

And then she says I shouldn't worry about this stuff

Yeah mom, you didn't have to worry about it because you're cishet

Anyway, that was annoying, but at least she didn't seem to be mad about it

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