What does simp mean?

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The title isn't super relevant I just don't know exactly what it means and I didn't know what to title this so like yeah...

Also this is at 61K reads!! Half of those are probably from me rereading this, but for the other 30K reads, I'm glad y'all enjoy this :)

So in English, my class is reading Romeo and Juliet, and as a preceding question to actually reading it, we had to say what we thought 'true love' is and if teenagers can experience it and post it to a group discussion. We also had to say if we believed in love in first sight.

Well, my teacher blocked us from seeing what other people had said until we submitted our own answers, so I couldn't check if I was saying anything RaDiCaL. I don't really like anyone in my English class, so I'm not sure why I care about what they think, but yeah.

Since I had no idea what anyone else wrote, I wrote something pretty closely resembling my honest opinion. I said that I didn't believe in love at first sight, "but I do believe in something that I don't think I'm allowed to say in a class discussion," and I said I thought they play was written somewhat to mock the idea of true love because Romeo is head over heels for a random girl and then he sees a girl at a masquerade ball—and he didn't really even see her because most of her face was covered by a mask—and falls completely in love with her. And then he sees she's dead and is like, "welp let me just STAB myself." 

Let's be real. If this wasn't marketed as the ultimate love story, everyone would realize that it's ridiculous.

Anyway, then I submitted it and could see everyone else's responses, and this was why I was wondering the actual meaning of simp because I want to make sure I'm correct in saying that my class is full of absolute simps.

Because here I am saying lmao look at these dumbasses and the rest of my class is like "True love is when you would take a bullet for someone and when they're the only one you want to talk to and when you would do anything for each other, etc." And everyone said teenagers can experience true love because, "love doesn't have an age restriction."

I think we know who in my class who has never dated, and that person is me.

I'm being so critical because 1) I do honestly think what they're saying is a little bit weird but that's probably because we don't think entirely the same and 2) I'm a little uncomfortable with standing out, so what better solution than ridiculing everyone else (I'm kidding. Don't be like me)

Also!!!!! Last week, we had to read poems and respond to them because learning, and I didn't think my teacher would actually read my answers, so I *did* answer the questions, but I wasn't exactly the most serious. And to be honest, it was probably more accurate to how I act around myself than anything else other people have seen of me. BUT THEN TURNS OUT SHE READ ALL OF IT. And during actual class in school, I'm really shy and serious, so this was um slightly different. But she ended up liking my responses (I think) which is wonderful because she's really cool and I've wanted her to like me all year, and also she's gay so bonus points

And! And! We had to write a poem and I didn't really feel like it, so I wrote a very short poem and a very long title (two pages!!), and she gave me an 100 because she said it was quote "the Title Of The Year," and one of the things I said in the title was that I didn't think we should read Romeo and Juliet because "it um perpetuates a heteronormative society and Romeo's 16 and Juliet's 13, and that's really creepy" and THEN SHE RESPONDED WITH TWO SUPER LONG PARAGRAPHS about her thoughts on it about how Shakespeare may have written it as almost satire and other stuff and they were very interesting (I'm a whore for English analysis) AND ANYWAY I AM VERY HAPPY ABOUT THAT

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