We're Writing a Book!! Part 4

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First off, this story has 25.5K reads!! I'm so glad this book actually went somewhere :D

Okey dokey plot time!! (I'll post the rest of the main character building details later, but I want to give people time to answer them)

So I feel like plot can be ANYTHING so it's just slightly harder to create than a character but that's alright 

Originally I wanted it to be about asexuality because we don't have anything about the whole ~asexual journey~ but I feel like all my books are pretty closely tied to being asexual, so maybe for this one we can do an action thing or something?

I'm totally down to do another ace thing, I just feel like there's more that I can do

I mean we all want a book with an ace main character about being ace, but what about all the tropes that aces can easily side-step? Seductive villain that most heroes fall in love with? Not a problem. The whole I-would-murder-five-million-people-for-my-partner thing? We don't have that version of love, so our OC wouldn't be an irrational dumbass.

On a side note, The Giver was right. "Love" has so many meanings 

Off that side note, there's still a lot to figure out. On the general action idea, I really love the hero and enemy used to be friends or have a common friend tropes. Um yeah, so anyway tell me your ideas and I'll make another chapter soon so we can vote :)

Also since everything's pretty nebulous right now, any idea can be added, and it'll be much more interesting and fun to write if I can weave everybody's ideas into the story. Literally if you have any idea at all. Their cat's name. What mundane thing makes them happy. Did they originally cut their hair because they were having a mental crisis? What sweatshirt do they want to steal from their friend? Or something big like parent-kid dynamics and stuff. Most of the ideas I've posted before come from building off of someone else's idea

Also an idea I had an idea based off a Tumblr post I saw that what if they had a few bracelets or necklaces they wore depending on their gender, so people knew what pronouns to use

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