The thing about titties

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On the tree of first-world feminism, "girls shouldn't have to wear tops in public" is a pretty big branch.

And yeah, over-sexualizing boobs is bad, but I'm kind of conflicted because seeing boobs especially when I'm not expecting to throws me off and makes me uncomfortable. And if I said that to certain people, they'd probably say the I'm perpetuating misogyny. (Can we be real for a second though? To be that hot that even a sports bra is too hot, you'd have to be doing some sort of exercise, and no one with tits wants to work out without a bra)

Fortunately the only SJW I know is Harold, and I'm kind of avoiding him anyway. 

And short rant because wow Harold either suddenly became super annoying or I just started noticing: This came up because at art club, (I can't art but most of my friends can so we go there  to hang out) Harold was drawing a woman who wasn't wearing clothes, so we (girls) were joking around and saying stuff like "Whoa I can't focus" and "Ooh what a thot" and obviously we were joking, but then he went on a massive rant about how it's not a big deal and we were oppressing women or something.

And yeah I guess it probably wasn't the best thing to joke about, but we said two things and he just launched into a lecture and he does this every time about stuff. Okay, I'm done now.

ALSO!!!! The rest of this chapter is just me talking about sfx stuff so feel free to scroll down.

So I took a few of those really cheap brown paper towels that absorb nothing from school and  they work SO much better than tissues. I made three things, two of which failed, but the third one looked pretty cool, and I'm going to describe all three because I'm proud of them and I want to talk about it:

Thing 1: I was trying to do a huge scratch on my face, and it went very badly. First of all, I put it on the right side of my face, and I'm a righty, so it was harder to reach. Also I covered too much skin with paper towel, so the irritation and stuff ended about an inch and a half before the paper towel did, and it looked weird. It wasn't going well so I just took it off.

Thing 2: The same thing but on the left side of my face and it had much less paper towel. Also, I don't have silicone or scar wax, so I took thin bits of cotton ball, used latex to apply them to my face, and then covered that in paper towels to try and make my skin look raised. It didn't come out particularly awful, it just didn't look very good.

Thing 3: I did the thing where you sew up your mouth and I'm very proud. I'm super intelligent and shaved my face so the latex didn't stick to anything when I took it off. 10/10 very fun experience. I felt like I was in a show or something. So continuing about my face, I put the latex and paper towels on and waited for it to dry. I was the only one home for a bit, and during that time, a stranger came and rang the doorbell. It was kind of awkward because I couldn't move my mouth at all, so I handed them a sticky note saying "I can't talk" and they went away.

Then I made the opening and sewed it up and all that. I found some cheap liquid blood at Walgreens and it was kind of chunky (like thinner jello), so it wasn't the best but it was something. I then added to much blood, but the whole my-mouth-is-sliced-open-and-sewn-up effect is pretty cool in itself and not many people know how it looks if you do it well, so it was fine. It would have looked cooler with thinner blood, so I'll probably try it again when I get some

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