We're making a coming out fail in the form of niche memes!!!
🍰 1. Who are you coming out to??? (Based on your birth month)
January- Your mom
February- Your dad
March- Your friend
April- Your crush/squish
May- Your sibling
June- Your friend's parent
July- Your best friend
August- Your cousin
September- your aunt
October- Your grandparents
November- Whoever sits next to you in math class
December- Your uncle
🍰 What's their first reaction??? (Based off of battery percentage)
100-91%- HaHa SiLlY, tHaT's NoT a ReAl ThInG
81-90%- I'lL tAkE tHaT aS a ChAlLeNgE
71-80%- YoU'rE tOo YoUnG To KnOw
61-70%- YoU dOn'T kNoW wHaT tHaT eVeN mEaNs
51-60%- ArE yOu A pLaNt???
41-50%- *Judgmental voice* I mEaN, iF yOu WaNt To BeLiEvE tHaT
31-40%- Um, No, YoU cAn'T bE, yOu'Ve HaD cRuShEs On PeOpLe
21-30%- HaHa SwEeTy, YoU'rE jUsT cOnFuSeD
11-20%- YoU kNoW tHaT's NoT a ReAl ThInG, rIgHt? (Maybe charge your battery)
1-10%- YoU sHoUlD tRy SeX fIrSt (definitely charge your battery)
🍰 How does it end??? (Based off of the color of your shirt collar)
black- They accept you because you're amazing, and they realize that you understand this much better than they do
white- They tell you that they'll always be there for you and that they love you
blue- They hug you (If you're okay with that) and say that they'll do some research so they understand it more
grey- They bake you a cake and are really supportive
green- They ask some respectful questions to understand it better and don't treat you differently than before
purple- They say they love and will do more research to understand it better, and then you guys go watch a movie
red- They say you're am-ace-ing and then bake you a cake too apologize for how cringy their pun was, and they don't treat you any differently
orange- They're ace too! You found another ace! Congrats!
yellow- They do more research and ask questions to understand you better. You guys become closer.
pink- They peal off their disguise to reveal that you actually came out to Chris Hemsworth. He gives you an autograph and says that he supports you.
No collar- They write a new blockbuster starring an ace main character. Finally! Ace representation!
other- They love you and don't treat you differently, and the buy you socks as a celebration. Then they do more research to understand you better. Also, I don't mean a pair of socks. I mean like a thousand pairs of socks. You are the sock god.
I love you all, and you don't have any obligation to come out to anyone, but if you decide to, that's cool too, and I hope it goes well! If you want to talk or anything, I'm always here, and I'd love to talk to you.
ace rants
De TodoBasically me, an ace person, ranting about stuff, which is mainly my confusion about sexual people