I have an analogy

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My friend put me on a ten 'sorry' limit per day meaning I can't waste one apologizing right now, so thank you for dealing with my bullshit of not posting ever :)

I was at the supermarket today and I see a soup labeled "aromatic vegetable soup" and my brain read it as "aromantic vegetable soup" so shout out to my aromantic vegetables!!

Anyway I have an idea for a comparison that is really just me trying to make sense of attraction for different people: your orientation on the ace and aro spectrums is like a deal like one you'd have with your data provider or something.

Everyone (I think) has some level of attraction that they feel to specific other people. But if your ace, then your attraction provider doesn't cover sexual attraction, or if you're demiromantic, your attraction provider only covers romantic attraction once you've given them evidence that a close relationship will work. 

Why is this different than how at least I personally used to think? Because I used to see a squish as one type of attraction and a romantic crush as another type and a sexual crush as another type, and that's kind of alienating. But actually all types of attraction to a specific have the same base (good targeted feelings ig) and sexual and romantic attraction and all that are just add ons based on your provider.


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