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So I'm leaving for camp in two days and I don't get my phone at camp, so I can't post for the next month

Before I get to the point, I just want to say when I started writing this, I never expected people to actually read it. Being asexual can feel extremely isolating, and I needed to know there were others out there. Also, I had a bunch of little problems that I couldn't tell my friends because they wouldn't understand, and I'm not good at bottling stuff up and tucking it away, so I needed to tell someone. 

I never thought people would find this and feel comforted, but I'm so glad it's happened. Whenever any of you guys say anything about how you can relate, or that you're happy that this is here, I get really excited. 

I don't want to leave you guys with nothing for the next month, so I'm going to attempt to make a forum. Just comment with your name, sexual/romantic orientation, and interests or something (Anything your comfortable with sharing is good) and reply to people. I'm hella awkward, so if you think you're not going to be able to hold a conversation with someone, just remember that you'll be better than me at it. 

I do want your ideas on something, though:

I'm thinking of making a discourse account on instagram, so I can fill the ace discourse tag with positive stuff instead of stuff that debates the validity of our existence. I unfortunately have no idea what to post, so if you have any ideas, please comment them. Even if you think your idea is horrible, comment it because at the very worst, I can use it as inspiration for another post

On last thing: Listen to the video at the top, it's amazing

I'm gonna be around until Thursday (July 11), so yeah...

Please comment; I want an ungodly amount of notifications when I get back

Love you all 💜💜

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