We're writing a book!! Part 5

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So the there's quite a few plot elements that don't particularly fit together, so this is probably going to be a really cool really fictional story, but that being said, I'm also not super sure how to  fit this all together, so I'm going to say the elements and how Imma try to put it all together and all that, and then comment suggestions and ideas

-MC (main character) changes their name (probably to Felix) 

-MC has an nb sibling and a tran sister

-MC is 16 (though we might want to change that for reasons we'll get to later)

-MC speaks English, French, Latin, and ASL because a lot of people liked that one and I think it would be cool now too

-MC has a sketch book full of intricately drawn dragons (bonus points if that's the only thing they can draw)

-MC has a black ring and it's one of their most precious possessions

-MC is a spy

-MC immediately trusts other aces (I mean not completely obviously, but far more than anyone else)

-MC has a cat named (vote)





     -Axle (possibly short for axolotl)

-MC loves stealing other people's clothes especially if they're oversized on them (if we go with the spy thing and hopefully we do, they could just keep articles of clothing of their enemies too which would be fun and QuIrKy)

-MC used to be friends with their nemesis (alternatively we could have something like in Mega Mind where they get along and ~vibe~ but they're also against each other for some reason? I'm going off on a tangent now, but what if the villain does bad stuff to win against MC instead of having an intent to cause harm?)

-Or MC is the person who is friends with the villain and hero, so they get kidnapped regularly for hostages situations 


-They used to think they were gay (maybe they're homo oriented then?), so they bought a bunch of rainbow unicorns and stuff, and now they're sewn dragon wings onto all of them

They randomly like: 

-Drawing dragons


-driving through a string of green lights

-First sip of soda (maybe plus doing the ahhh sound after)

-Waking up too early and being able to go back to sleep for awhile 

-Someone calls MC by a nickname that only they're allowed to call them. I found Feefle when I was googling nicknames for Felix, and that sounds... like it could work for this, so we might go with that. If y'all have any other ideas, hmu.

Alternatively if MCs dead name was Ashley or Ashlynn, the nickname could be Phoenix (a phoenix rising from the Ashes)

Right now I'm thinking MC's birth name would be Remi or Morgan some longer version of Ash (comment which one you like)

So anyway MC had bad parents and then somehow ran away/got adopted by spy parent-figure

And then the spy parent/figure brings them into spying and all that and that's where MC's accumulated group of parent-figures comes from

MC maintains a normal life and goes to school (a little like Peter Parker ig)

MC changes their name to Felix

Felix has a nemesis, but they actually get along pretty well. The source of their conflict is tbd

Also, Felix is friends with a hero/villain pair, so they get kidnapped a bit and whatnot (leading to stuff like "can we postpone your epic fight over me for next weekend? I have two massive essays due Monday, and I kinda haven't started...")

Hmu with your ideas please :)

Sorry this took so long to finally post lol

And I know I haven't really responded to comments that much so for everyone who answers other peoples' questions and stuff, THANK YOU SO MUCH 

Happy Thanksgiving!!

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