37+ Questions for Allosexuals

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1. When you look at someone you're sexually attracted to, do you know, or do you just think they're super pretty and realize later that you're sexually attracted to them?

2. Do you actually feel a need to have sex?

3. Is sexual attraction an if you know you know sort of thing or did you have it and only realize it was sexual attraction a while later?

4. What does sexual attraction feel like?

5. Why do you think sex and that general kind of stuff is important for relationships?

6. People say they have a 'need' for sex, so do you get the need after you've had sex once and realize that you like it or is it there before your first time?

7. Do yo actually feel a need to have sex?

8. When you're sexually attracted to someone, how do you know? (do you think about making out with them when you first see them?

9. Why do you think about people when you masturbate?

10. How often do you get crushes?

11. Can you be sexually attracted to someone you've never seen before?

12. Does sexual attraction feel good?

13. On average, how many people do you see every day that you're sexually attracted to?

14. Why do you think many allosexuals feel sorry for aces?

15. Do you feel self conscious of your body during sex?

16. Can you get turned on even when your really hungry? (I feel like those would override your want to have sex)

17. When did you first feel sexually attracted to someone?

18. Do you want to talk to people you're sexually attracted to or just look at them?

19. If you aren't attracted to all genders, do you feel like you are less aesthetically attracted to a gender that you aren't sexually attracted to because you are focusing more on a gender that you are sexually attracted to?

20. If you aren't sexually attracted to all genders, do you think that the gender(s) you're sexually attracted to are more aesthetically attractive in general than the gender(s) you aren't sexually attracted to?

21. Do you think you could live a fulfilling life without having sex with your significant other?

22. How does Netflix and chill work?

          -Do you watch a show you like or one you don't like?

          -If you watch a show you do like, do you ever feel conflicted about missing the episode for sex?

          -If you watch a show you don't like, what do you do until you start having sex?

          -How long do you wait until you start having sex?

          -What kind of shows do you watch? (comedies, dramas, romance, ones based off of books, nature documentaries?)

          -Do you ever watch a movie instead of a show?

          -Do you go back to watching the show/movie after you have sex?

          -If you're already intending to have sex, why do you put Netflix on in the background?

          -Why don't you play music or something instead so there's no risk of becoming interested in the show/movie?

          -Is Netflix and chill a legitimate thing or is it just a term and no one actually watches Netflix?

23. If you're straight, have you ever seriously questioned your sexuality?

24. How do you feel during health class?

25. Do you want to start a conventional family (get married, have biological kids, etc.)? Why or why not?

26. Would you have sex (or the closest thing to sex that you're comfortable with) with someone you were extremely aesthetically attracted to of a gender you aren't sexually attracted to?

27. How hard is it for you to tell the difference between sexual and romantic attraction?

28. For y'all who haven't graduated high school yet, do you say "I love you" to your significant other for show or do you legitimately mean it?

29. For alloromantic allosexuals, how much do you think being in a romantic and sexual relationship affects your happiness?

30. Would you mind being asexual? Why or why not?

31. What's an assumption you make about asexuals? Why do you make that assumption?

32. Do you believe we're part of the lgbtq+ community? Why or why not? What's your opinion of gatekeeping?

33. Do you ever see someone that would be perfect to have a crush on and then you just don't have a crush on them?

34. Is sex actually THAT good?

35. Is there something you'd rather do than have sex with a SO that you were completely sexually (and optional romantically) attracted to? If so, what is it?

36. Do you ever wish you were sexually attracted to a gender that you aren't sexually attracted to?

37. Does Netflix and chill confuse you as much as it confuses me?

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