Reminder :)

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Especially when you start identifying as ace or questioning if you're ace, it sort of feels like you're trying to climb up a huge slippery rock, and at the top of the rock is feeling secure and correct calling yourself asexual (or any other label). We're taught basically from birth that one day we'll want to smash and whatnot, so identifying as asexual is counterintuitive. Everybody or nearly everybody has that struggle of "but what if...?" when they start thinking they're ace. 

So I completely get that if you can make a hand hold to climb the rock, you want to make it

The problem is that when I or someone else says something that doesn't follow the stereotypical script of being ace, there are sometimes comments that say, "oh I don't do that."

I've probably done it before too; as I said, we all just want to get on top of the rock. But when someone says something like, "oh yeah I don't mind kissing," it's better not to say something like, "I think it's gross." I love your comments of course, and I want to hear your opinions no matter how relevant they are, but if it could be interpreted in a way that implies that there's a way to be 'more ace' or something, try to reword it so it couldn't imply that or don't say anything at all. 

This is much unrelated but I was talking to a guy about how I have braces on really late and he told me I should get them off because he thinks getting blowjobs from girls with braces hurts. So that was a little bit uncomfortabling. Also a bunch of girls have talked to a teacher because he is overall very pervy and all that.

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