I'm sorry, it is just too confusing

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You know what's a real disgrace? The grammar of today's generations. They use "you" in all situations, even if the object of the "you" is singular and it is in an informal context. We have a word that you're ACTUALLY supposed to be using for that!! It's called "thou."

What's really horrible about it is not only is there a correct word that people should be using, but "you" is the INCORRECT word. IT IS GRAMMATICALLY INCORRECT. And truly, it is disrespectful. People I have known for years are choosing to call me "you" because "language evolves." They completely neglect our years of relationships, to be "hip" and "cool." The other day, someone called me "you," and I had to look behind me because I thought they were talking to multiple people. But no! They were just choosing to massacre the English language. It's obscene.

Do we see how stupid people who are against they/them pronouns sound? If they want to speak a language that never changes, go learn Latin. An added bonus is that none of us will have to listen to their bullshit. 

Oh also! So what I think is that you and thou came around from William the Conqueror invading England because in modern French, there is vous and tu, which mean the same as you and thou would. Also vous kind of sounds like you and tu kind of sounds like thou. I'm not entirely sure the real reason, but that seems very plausible, so if anyone just happens to have a lot of knowledge about etymology and can confirm, that would be nice 

For speech team, we're doing a mock next week about whether or not people's votes should be weighted by age (younger = more weight), so if you have an ideas of arguments to make for or against it, feel free to hit me up with those. We love crowdsourcing :)

(I know it's a stupid idea in reality, but we're just using it because there's a lot of arguments you can come up with for both sides)

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