More reviews and stuff yay

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Oki so as we all know, I've been quite inactive because I have no motivation so very fun, but I thing that I was doing while doing nothing was watching Netflix!! I watched two whole shows (very whoa ik) and now I'm going to write review things

Sex Education:

It's really good but a LOT of sex and talking about sex and all that. The first episode opens with a sex scene so be ready for that when you watch it. A lot of the episodes start with sex scenes. There's an ace girl!! I'm not sure I like the ending of the second season but oh well. Also the kissing in it really loud?? It's like the had a mic inside their mouths or something. I don't lifjethe sound of kissing though, so I might just be sensitive to it. Overall if you're okay with watching sex scenes, I'd recommend (it's on Netflix)

Also in it I found out apparently what makes people feel attraction is pheromones?? Which doesn't make sense that much because celebrity crushes but I think the reason a lot of us don't understand what makes something 'sexy' is because we can't detect those pheremones or something.


This also has a lot of sex, but it's really good !! It's a sort of all in one show because the basic plot is that eight people are connected mentally around the world and it talks about them and stuff. It's hard to explain, but anyway that means there's one character of a martial arts goddess who gets framed for a crime and is in jail and stuff and she's really cool and awesome, and another (trans lesbian!) who's a hacker, and another who's a gay Mexican actor, and if anyone finds out it'll destroy his career and he sort of ends up in a polyamorous relationship and all of it is super good with lots of found family themes (and there's an Icelandic DJ and she has really really cool hair). But yes lots  of sex, so again only watch it if you're okay with that.

My school's having us start online learning this Monday, and it's kind of worrying because I know that as long as I'm home, I'm not going to be motivated, but such is life. My brothers are both in college but now they're home, so it's good to actually see them. How are y'all doing?

Also today's my birthday !! 

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