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CHAPTER ONE: ExpectingSaturday, November 18th 2017

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CHAPTER ONE: Expecting
Saturday, November 18th 2017

Mom and Luke's wedding was amazing! It was simple and elegant.  As the night was coming to an end, I noticed mom sat on the stairs of the Gazebo. Guest were slowly leaving, it was around 10:30pm. I walked over to where she was sat, with her bottle of wine, and we talked about the wedding and how everything turned out perfect, but I knew it was time to tell her my news.

"Mom?" I say calmly as I sat next to her on the stairs of the Gazebo in the middle of Stars Hallow.

"Yeah?" mom replies as she takes in the view of our small community.

"I'm Pregnant!" I bravely say as I look at her waiting for her reaction to what I just said.

Mom looks at me with a WOW look, her lips in the shape of an "o" and speechless.

"Mom?" I say to her as I wait for her to reply to the news, I just sprung on her.

"Who? When?" Mom finally replies which seemed like forever. 

"Who know who mom, and I'm 8 weeks. It was the last time I seen him and now he is getting married in a few weeks, and I don't know if I am going to tell him." I say as tears begin to sting my eyes.

Mom stands up and starts pacing in front of me. "You have to tell Logan. You can't just hide it from him. He deserves to know that he is going to be a father, and then let him decide on what he wants to do. But regardless of what he decides, you know that myself and Luke are here for you."she rambles.

"I don't know mom, after that night in New Hampshire, I figured he would have called me afterwards, or at least would have said something to stop me from walking away, but he just walked away so easily. He walked away mom." I sobbed. "I don't think he would even care even if I do tell him. He is going to marry Odette, so we are done, there is no more me and Logan. He was everything to me. I love him so much, and I know he is the one."

"Honey, don't cry. Just call him, email him, write him a letter. Just don't let him go just yet. He isn't married - this news could make him realize that he truly loves you, and I know that he does - but with his family and with him being the heirs of the family business - you know they believe he needs to marry into that type of lifestyle. But he knows deep down and so do you that you are meant to be together, he just needs to face his father but he isn't going to do that after you walked away from him -" Mom says, but I cut her off before she could continue.

"I didn't walk away mom." I semi-shout at her between sobs. 

"Honey, you did. You walked away from him 10 years ago when he proposed and then you walked away from him 8 weeks ago because you thought you had no other choice because he is engaged. Don't get me wrong - I don't agree with what you both did, but I can't just blame you for interfering in the relationship because it's Logan's fault too, he could have said no because he was engaged, but he didn't because he loves you Rory. You didn't have to just walk away 8 weeks ago; you could have told him exactly how you feel about him and how you felt about this whole "Vegas" thing you both had going on. But instead you let him go and now you are pregnant with his child. You need to come clean to him about how you feel about him and tell him about the baby before it's too late and he finds out by someone else - especially when you begin to show - people will start asking questions, honey. I'm so sorry to say this but now it's time to face the fact - woman up and tell him about the baby."mom said to me as she sat placing an arm around me to give me comfort. 

"You really think I should tell him - Tell him everything?" I reply as I look at her with my tear stained face.

"Yes, I do think you should tell him before it's too late." mom says as she gives me a side hug and then begins to stand, "I am heading to the diner, are you coming?"

"You go on ahead - I want to just sit here and take in everything you just said - and decide how I am going to tell Logan about the baby." I say as I stand up to give my mom a hug.

I watch as mom walks towards the diner and I sit back on the Gazebo stairs thinking about Logan, the baby and what I should do.

As I am sitting there lost in my thoughts, my phone dings which indicts an incoming text. I haul my phone out of my pocket, and noticed it was 11pm, thinking to myself as I enter my passcode - who could be texting me so late?

When I open up my messages and noticed who the text was from, I freeze.

"Why?" I say out loud.

I click on the message and begin to read it, and as I begin reading, I feel the tears beginning to form and run down my cheeks.

The text reads:
Ace, there is only once in anyone's life that you will find someone who will turn your world around. For me it was you. You turned my world around, for the better. You showed me that I can be boyfriend material and you taught me about commitment. When I first saw you at YALE, we were both so young, but I knew you were the one. Our love is difficult but it's real. I have so much to say to you and I won't be able to say it all here in this message, but I can't let this continue. I just got to let you know that the love we share won't leave and I can't get enough. Nothing could change what you mean to me and there is nothing that can take you away from me, we have been down that road before, but we keep coming back for more. Walking away from you during your college graduation and then again in New Hampshire was the biggest mistake I have ever made. I can't do this Rory, I can't marry Odette, I need you. Why didn't you tell me not to leave New Hampshire? Please Ace, tell me not to go ahead with this wedding, tell me you still love me as much as I love you. With everything that has happened between us over the years, me leaving after I graduated from YALE, my accident in Costal Rico where you stayed by my side when I was in the hospital and cared for me while I was recovering. You have been there supporting me, but I was letting my father choose the path my life should take, but I know, and you know that deep down, that we belong together. Please tell me to leave this life behind and come back to you. I want to be with you, and I know you want to be with me too. We might of took the long way but you're the one I always come running back to, the only one I belong to, and you're still the one I want for the rest of my life. I should've listened to my heart a little more than it wouldn't have taken me so long to know I belong with you and I still love you so much. XO

After I finish reading the text, I press his name and click call.

"Ace?" Logan answers in shock.
"Logan - we need to talk." I say
"Yes, we do Ace. I am assuming you got my text." Logan says.
"Logan I'm..."I begin but I just can't say the word.
"Your what Ace?" Logan replies worried.
"Logan, please don't get mad. I know how it happened and if you don't want anything to do with me that is fine, I can do this on my own. I really can but I'm– "I begins to ramble on.
"Ace – Come on, I won't get mad. And what do you mean if I don't want anything to do with you, and that you can do it on your own. Rory, didn't you read the text. I want to be with you. I want us to be together, get married, have children and build a life together. So, whatever you have to say, I can handle it. Just tell me." Logan replies.

"I'm Pregnant Logan. I'm about 7-8 weeks. We conceived when we stayed together in New Hampshire" I say and I hit the END button on my phone, not wanting to hear what he has to say. Shortly after I hung up after telling Logan that I am pregnant, my phone begins to ring. I look at the caller ID and it's Logan calling. I ignore the call. I can't answer, I can't speak to him right now, so I let it go to my voicemail, hoping that he will leave a message. Finally, the phone stops ringing, and within a few minutes a notification comes up, indicating there is a voicemail. I look at the notification, but I ignore it, I can't listen to it right now. I begin to stand from my sitting position on the Gazebo steps so I can head home when my phone begins to ring again, I look at the caller ID and sure enough it's Logan again, but I ignore the call and begin my walk home. As I am walking my phone stops ringing, but this time with no notification of a new voicemail.

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