Emily Elizabeth Skinner Gilmore

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Emily Elizabeth Skinner Gilmore 
March 7th 1942 - May 24th 2027

Emily Skinner was born and raised in old money. Carried down through her family, so she was no strange of the high maintenance life. Emily lived life to the fullest even during her childhood. When she attended Smith college - at 18 -she met Richard Gilmore who she quickly fell in love with. With Richard committed to another women it was hard on Emily, having to see the love of her life with another women. This continued for the four years of her college life. It wasn't until the very end of college, when Richard ended his engagement to another woman and started dating Emily. They dated for only a short while, before becoming engaged and married within the the first year of their relationship. During the first three years of their marriage they travelled and Richard started his career as an insurance consultant. 

Three years of marriage, they welcomed their only child - Lorelei Victoria Gilmore. Emily wanted Lorelei to have a childhood and even an adulthood of no worries, but when Lorelei became pregnant at 16 - they were crushed. They along with the Hayden's wanted Lorelei and the baby's father - Christoper to be married. Christoper was all in, but Lorelei didn't want. After giving birth, and living with her parents for a short while, Lorelei ran from home with her daughter. This caused Emily to become estranged from her daughter and granddaughter for several years. 
Emily's relationship with Lorelei was strained and remained strained for many years. It wasn't until after Richard's passing in 2016 before their relationship became good. 
A while after Richard's passing, Emily placed their home up for sale - only for it to be sold to her granddaughter Rory and her husband Logan - where she then moved to Nantucket. 

Emily was beyond grateful and happy when she became a great-grandmother - but not just once, it happened four times not including getting a step-grandson as well. 

Six years after Rory's twins were born Emily became ill at the age of 84. Everyone believes she was still grieving Richard - even after 10 years. Other believed that her age finally caught up to her. Then a little over two months after she turned 85 years old, Emily passed peacefully away in her sleep. 

Emily Elizabeth Skinner Gilmore passed away at the age of 85. 
Leaving to morn: 
Daughter Lorelei Gilmore Danes (Luke Danes) 
Granddaughter Rory Gilmore Huntzberger (Logan Huntzberger) 
Step-Granddaughter April Nardini
Great-Granddaughers Anna Huntzberger & Mackenzie Huntzberger
Great-grandsons Eli Huntzberger & Xavier Huntzberger 
Step Great-grandson Joshua Huntzberger (Abby Huntzberger) 
Step Great-Great Grandson Nathan Huntzberger 
Step Great-Great Granddaughter Annabel Huntzberger 
Predeceased by: 
Husband: Richard Charles Gilmore

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