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CHAPTER 8: Marriage
Tuesday, November 20th, 2017

I have been driving around Hartford for the last 15 minutes trying to figure out who we can get to marry us, when all of a sudden it comes to me, so I pull into the first parking lot I see and pull out my phone. I quickly look through my contacts, when I see her name. Pressing her name I put the phone to my ear. Rory is looking at me with a puzzling look, but I just hold up my finger to her as a very welcoming voice cracks through the phone.

"Honor, can you help me out?" I quickly ask, without giving her time to go pass her hello, when she answered. 

"What do you want Logan?" Honor questions. 

"I need you to find a priest." I say, thinking how many questions will be coming my way.

"A priest? Why a priest Logan?" She questions me.

"Just find me a priest and I will explain. I am on my way to your house now." I reply getting a little frustrated.

"How can you be on your way here, if your in London?" She questions me again.

"Just stop with the questions, and please just get me a priest. I'll see you in 5 minutes." I say and before she can answer I hang up.

Rory is starring at me in shock.

"You alright Ace?" I say with a smirk on my face as I put the car back into gear and head out towards Honor's house. 

"You are really serious about this, aren't you?" she questions me with surprise.

"Yes, I am serious about this. Unless you don't want to marry me." I say with a sadden tone.

"I want to marry you Logan, but this is a little adventurous, don't you think?" She say. "How am I going to explain to my mother that I went and got married while she was on her honeymoon and didn't wait for her to get back?"

"Call her and tell her!" I reply as I pull into Honor's driveway.

I get out of the car and go over and open the door for Rory. I grab her hand, and we head towards the front door. I ring the door bell. Within seconds, the door comes open.

"Baby brother!" Honor says with excitement and pulls me into a hug.

When she lets go of me, she notices Rory standing by my side.

"Rory! Is that you?" She says with excitement.

"It's me!" Rory says with a big smile on her face.

"It's so good to see you but what are you doing here?" Honor says then it seems like something clicks, "Wait, are you two getting married? What about Odette?"

"That's the plan!" I say with a huge smile. "Odette is back in Paris and that's all I am saying."

"Come in and explain." Honor says as she ushers us inside and towards the living room.

Rory and I take a seat on the love seat while Honor sits in the chair across from us.

"So, did you find a priest?" I ask.

"I did. Rev McMaster said he can be here by 6:30pm. But what about  family and friends? What about a tux and a dress?" Honor questions us both.

"Great! Thank you so much Honor. We are going to do this our way, but after the..." I begin to say, realizing that Honor doesn't know about the baby.

"After the?" Honor questions me, looking at us both a little puzzled.

"Let me explain why I am here." I say letting out a deep breath before I begin again. "About 8 weeks ago myself, Finn, Robert and Colin went to Stars Hallow to take Rory out. We ended up in Hew Hampshire at a B&B. I don't have to explain any further details about the night. Then the next morning we called off our Vegas agreement and I went back to London. Then 28 hours ago, I sent Rory a text confessing how I wanted to be with her and not Odette. Then Rory calls me saying she had something to tell me..."

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