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Chapter 25: Preparing
Monday, December 10th, 2018

Rory had a very sleepless night. All that was on her mind was the possibility that Logan had a teenage son. That Anna had a stepbrother. And that she was a stepmother. But after twisting and turning for hours, Rory finally fell asleep. But it didn't seem like long before Anna was awake, but Logan insitated that she sleep a bit more, and he would take Anna. Logan wasn't long out of the shower when Anna woke so he went and got Anna, Rory tried to go back to sleep, which didn't happen. Instead she went and ran a hot bubble bath, so she could just sit back and relax and to let the hot water relax her muscules that were tense from the stress of finding out about Joshua.

After an forty-five minute bath, Rory finally felt a little bit better. She went and got dressed then went down stairs. When she reached the bottom of the stairway, she heard Logan talking to Anna, so instead of going into the Kitchen with them, she headed for the office. She needed time to think, and maybe even write.

She went into her office, sat behind her grandfather's desk and let out a big sigh. Then she starting talking to herself, but in reality she was talking to her grandfather. She needed to vent and she knew she could always vent to her grandfather, even though she knows he won't talk back, but she felt at ease when she just spoke to him, especially when she was sat in her office, that once belonged to him.

"Grandpa, what am I going to do. Logan and I have had an amazing year together. We got married, bought your house, and did some renos on it to make it more our taste, but also to modernerize it. Not because we didn't like your home, it was just a little outdated. Then Anna was born. Yes, we had our disagreements, but we worked through them. Then last night, a teenager showed up at the house, claiming that Logan was his father. The teenagers name is Joshua and he is 16 years old. His mother had him when she was 15. Logan was 19 at the time, and he is saying that he don't recall anything. What am I going to do Grandpa. I am so upset over this. I'm hurting in so many different ways. I'm hurting for Logan, because he didn't know about Joshua, and he has missed so much of his life. I'm hurting myself, because I felt so left in the dark, even though I know that Logan didn't know himself, but I felt it was sprung onto us, and now here we are with the possibilty of having two children. Being a real mom is hard, but now I have to be a stepmom as well. This is all new to the both of us, and I really hope this doesn't damage us."

As Rory was finishing her open conversation with her grandfather, there was a knock on her office door.

"Come in." Rory said, as she wiped away her tears that started to fall once she started talking to her grandfather. After speaking everything out loud, she felt a little better about the situation that she was in, and hoping that everything would work out regardless if Joshua is Logan's son or not.

The door slowly open up, and Logan is standing in the doorway.

"You okay?" Logan asks.

"Yeah, just thinking about everything that happened last night."

"Are you okay?" Rory asked. "Are you calling Whitney today?"

"I'm fine. Be better once I know more details." Logan replies. "I will be calling Whitney, but wanted to know when you would like to meet her, is today good, or would you like to wait?"

"Today's good. Maybe we can get your parents to watch Anna while we talk to Whitney?" Rory said. "Actually where is Anna?"

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